My Top Ten Tips for Making Money as a Freelance Writer
Some of you may know that for more years than I care to remember I made my living as a freelance writer. Nowadays I am semi-retired but still take on writing work from time to time, alongside running this blog, of course!
I know many people are interested in freelance writing, and it often appeals to older/retired people, as you can do it part-time and it doesn’t require any expensive tools or equipment. Writing is also something you can do even if you have health issues or disabilities.
So today I thought I would share a few of my top tips about freelance writing for money, based on my years of experience. To be clear, I am talking mainly here about writing for editors and other clients, rather than books or ebooks (which I previously covered in this post about books and this one about ebooks).
I hope this article may be of interest to younger people, as well as my core readership of over-50s.
Table of Contents
1. Don’t Worry About Not Knowing Everything
When I was starting my writing career, I worried a lot about what I didn’t know.
Every time I came across a word I hadn’t seen before, rather than view it as an opportunity to learn something new, I took it as a further sign that my vocabulary wasn’t wide enough to succeed as a writer. (In fact, I now realise that while having a good vocabulary is definitely an asset, you could go through an entire writing career without ever knowing the meaning of palimpsest, clepsydra, ursine, and many more…)
It wasn’t just vocabulary either. I worried that I didn’t know whether I should use “toward” or “towards”, “forever” or “for ever”, “continuous” or “continual”, and many more. And I could waste a whole morning agonizing over whether I should use a dash or a colon in my opening paragraph.
What I realise now is that most of these things matter little. Quite often, either choice will be acceptable. My advice to a new writer today would be to get a good dictionary and style guide, and refer to these whenever you’re in doubt. But if you’re still not sure, just make your best guess and move on. The chances are that whatever you choose, your editor will change it anyway!
Our American friends have a very good expression for this: Don’t sweat the small stuff.
2. Specialize
There are lots of other would-be freelance writers out there, so you need to do whatever you can to make yourself stand out. For me, anyway, that has meant specializing.
Specializing has all sorts of advantages for a freelance writer. If you are regarded as an “expert” in your field, editors and publishers will turn to you when they need a writer on the subject in question. In addition, because of your perceived expertise, you may be able to charge a higher rate than an “ordinary” freelance.
Don’t just stop at one specialism, though. Try to develop a number. My specialist subjects over the years have included self-employment, advertising and PR, careers, the Internet, gambling for profit, popular psychology, English grammar, writing for profit, personal finance, and several more. At least then, if there is a fall in demand for one of your specialisms, you have other strings to your bow.
My advice to a new writer would be to start with an area you know a lot about, or have a particular interest in, and make it your business to become an “expert” in that field. Write a few articles about it, perhaps for low-paying markets when you’re getting started. Once you have published some work on your specialism, people will start to regard you as an expert in it, and more work is likely to follow. By researching more articles and talking to “real” experts, you will build up your store of knowledge, until you really are something of an expert in your chosen field. It’s worked for me, anyway
3. Don’t Take Criticism Too Seriously
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you shouldn’t listen to constructive feedback on your work. However, you should evaluate it carefully and be prepared to reject it if you don’t agree with it.
Remember that judgements about quality (or otherwise) are often subjective. There’s a story I tell in my CD course Write Any Book in Under 28 Days (more info here if you’re interested) about a time when I regularly wrote careers information articles for a large UK publishing house. These were basically four-page articles about different jobs.
I submitted my articles to one particular editor at the publishing house. Invariably they came back to me covered in red ink, with insertions, deletions and transpositions all over the place. I tried to learn from her comments and improve, but still every time the articles came back changed almost beyond recognition. She still put the edited articles through, but I honestly felt like a schoolboy whose report card read, “Could do better”.
Then I got a new editor – a man this time, as it happens. I submitted my latest article to him, and waited for it to come back to me covered in red ink as usual. And waited. And waited. So eventually I phoned him up and asked what had happened to my article. “Oh that,” he said, sounding surprised I had even mentioned it. “It was fine, so I put it through for publication.”
The truth is that in writing, as in life, everyone has different views of what is good and what is bad. So listen to criticism by all means, but try to evaluate it objectively, and always feel free to reject it if you think it’s wrong. And never, ever, take criticism personally.
4. Put Yourself About
However good a writer you are, no publisher or editor is going to beat a path to your door. Especially when you are starting out, you must be prepared to send off torrents of query letters, emails, book proposals, and so on. I first connected with one of my longest-standing clients, Lagoon Games, after I replied to an advertisement they placed in the Guardian newspaper twenty years ago. I am still working with Lagoon today, incidentally.
Put yourself about in the flesh too. Join your local writers’ circle, go on writers’ courses and conferences, volunteer to give talks, and run classes in adult education. In the online world, set up a writing homepage and/or a blog, and join at least one writers forum. And sign up at social networking sites such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. All of this will help raise your profile as a writer, and make it more likely that potential clients will get in touch with you.
And also under this heading I’d add, build up your network of useful contacts. These can come from all sorts of places: fellow writers you meet, proofreaders and editors you work with, folk you meet on courses, people you interview for articles, people you connect with via online services such as Twitter, and so on. Many of the new writing opportunities that have come my way over the years did so as a result of networking.
5. Don’t Rely Solely on the Internet
Don’t get me wrong, the net is a wonderful thing, and there are lots of great resources on it for writers. However, there was no internet at all when I was starting out, and it didn’t hold me back!
If I was starting today, one thing I would certainly do is approach potential clients directly offering my services, including local companies, agencies and organizations. I would also read the job ads in newspapers and magazines, not only looking for writing jobs, but for businesses who are hiring in the fields of information management, PR, and so forth. They might well be in need of freelance writing assistance as well, and a speculative application could turn up a regular source of writing work. Again, this is a strategy that has worked well for me in the past.
6. Be Reliable
This is one of the most important qualities any client needs in a writer. He (or she) wants to be confident that you will deliver your article (or whatever) by the agreed deadline. If the deadline arrives and your article doesn’t, it can create all sorts of headaches for them.
If you can see you’re going to have problems meeting a deadline, therefore, DON’T just cross your fingers and hope for the best. Tell your client. Given sufficient notice they may be able to make alternative arrangements, e.g. bringing another article forward and postponing yours till next month. But if you don’t tell them in advance, it may be too late for this. Don’t then expect them to offer you any work in future.
7. Be Available
Clients sometimes need to contact writers at short notice, e.g. to check a fact or request a partial rewrite. You don’t have to be always just a phone call away (though that won’t hurt), but it should be possible for an editor to contact you by some means and get a reply within 24 hours. Always aim to have your mobile with you, therefore, and check this and your email regularly, preferably at least twice a day.
And if you’re going away on holiday for more than a day or two, it’s a courtesy to let the editor know, especially if you have just sent them some work!
8. Don’t Argue
OK, this one is a bit controversial. If you disagree with a client’s decision, you can say so. But don’t push it. At the end of the day, it’s her neck on the block, not yours, if she publishes your article and it goes down like a lead balloon with her readers.
Here’s an example from my own experience. In my capacity as a newsletter editor I was pitched an idea by a semi-regular contributor. Normally I liked his ideas, but for various reasons I couldn’t use this one, so I turned it down with a polite explanation. I then received a long, aggrieved email telling me quite forcibly that I was wrong and he was right, concluding with words to the effect, “I think I know our readership by now.” As you might guess, I didn’t commission many more articles from him after that…
9. Be Friendly but Professional
It’s good to build relationships with clients and editors. Over a period of time you will inevitably get to know one another quite well, and genuine friendships often result.
However, remember that the client is also – in effect – your employer, so it’s important to remain professional in all your dealings with them. Don’t assume that because ‘John’ or ‘Mary’ is your buddy, they won’t mind if you palm them off with inferior work or take other liberties with them.
Another example here (all names changed to protect those concerned). A few years ago one of my regular clients, a guy I’ll call Phil, was looking for an additional freelance writer. I recommended a woman named Clare to him, whom I’d worked with on a couple of projects.
All seemed to go well at first, and then I heard that he had dropped Clare quite suddenly. As I knew Phil pretty well, I asked him what had happened. He was a bit reticent at first, but then he told me, “We’re a family company, Nick, and we choose the people we work with very carefully.”
A little more probing finally revealed that he had been on the phone to Clare one day, and she casually dropped the F-bomb into their conversation two or three times. Phil hadn’t said anything to her at the time, but I guess he was a bit shocked by this. Anyway, he decided that he couldn’t work with her any more.
I must admit, I don’t know why Clare did this. Maybe she wanted to show she was “one of the boys”, or maybe she’d just been watching too many Hollywood movies. In any event, it was exactly the wrong tack to take with Phil, who abhors bad language in any form. And so it cost Clare the opportunity of a continuing source of well-paid work.
That’s perhaps an extreme example, but it does illustrate an important point. A good, friendly relationship between writer and editor/client can be very rewarding for both parties, but you should never let it become an excuse for behaving unprofessionally.
10. Be Enthusiastic!
One final thing experience (mine and other people’s) has taught me is that enthusiasm will carry you a long way as a writer. I’m sure it’s true in other fields as well, but clients generally are more inclined to hire writers who are enthusiastic about their work rather than those who seem simply to be going through the motions.
Obviously, you DO need in addition the writing skills and other qualities to deliver a good job. Without enthusiasm, however, you will probably never get the chance to demonstrate that you have these skills and qualities.
Look at it this way. If a client gets two applications, one from someone who is relatively inexperienced but brimming with enthusiasm and ideas, the other from someone with an impressive CV who sounds as though they could barely be bothered to get of bed this morning, nine times out of ten it’s the writer with the enthusiasm who will get the gig, even if they may not have as much experience. It’s human nature that we all respond better to people who radiate a positive attitude themselves.
So before sending off an application for any writing job, ask yourself honestly: Do I really sound as if I want this job? Do I appear excited by the prospect of working with this company? Can the client see that I am bursting with ideas and raring to do a good job for her? Or, conversely, does my application sound half-hearted? Does it sound as though I don’t really expect to get the job, and don’t much care one way or the other? If the latter is the case, hit “Delete” and start again. You MUST, MUST, MUST convey enthusiasm in all your applications and proposals!
I do hope you find these tips helpful. If you have any comments or questions – or any other useful tips for new writers – feel free to add them below as comments.
Happy writing!
August 21, 2018 @ 4:12 am
Brilliant tips, Nick, thanks for sharing what you’ve learned along the way! I’d like to find more legitimate companies that pay for writing to build up a little confidence and experience, before venturing to put myself out there. Great post 🙂
August 21, 2018 @ 9:00 am
Thanks, Caz. Personally I think it’s good to seek out long-term regular clients, even early on. That is really the one thing above all else that helped me sustain a long career as a freelance writer. But I guess it doesn’t hurt to build your confidence and experience doing one-off jobs.
November 17, 2018 @ 7:17 pm
Great advice, Ive been writing as a hobby and for favours my friend has a hand in creating various types of content that require creative writing which I thouroghly enjoy, Thanks for the tips!
November 17, 2018 @ 9:16 pm
Thanks, Carl. Glad you liked them!
June 11, 2019 @ 1:44 pm
I am freelance graphic designer from seven years now and I must admit – those tips fits in every situation 😉
June 11, 2019 @ 3:02 pm
Thank you! I’m glad you agree with my tips and find them constructive.
December 26, 2019 @ 3:34 am
Yes , I think that it is very important to be professional yet friendly.I think that by doing this, we can have a good relationship to our customers. Thanks for sharing this article.