As I Write This Letter – How to Make Money with Magazine Letters
Today I have a guest post for you from my writing colleague S. Bee (her pen-name) on the subject of making money writing letters and fillers for popular magazines.
This is a money-making sideline I have a soft spot for, as many years ago I started my writing career doing exactly this. I remember, for example, having a series of letters published in The Sun newspaper, for which I received the not-exactly-princely-even-then sum of £2 each. I treasured those cheques when they arrived, though!
It’s good to know that this opportunity still exists, even in this digital age.
Over to S. Bee then…
When I began writing seriously in 2011, I focused on the fiction market for women’s magazines.
As I became more involved in it, I discovered that several of these short story writers had also enjoyed publishing success with letters in national magazines.
More importantly, they’d been paid a small fee for their efforts. If there was no fee, a prize was offered instead.
I thought, Why don’t I have a go at that? So I did, and eagerly began to send letters in.
My spirits were high. Surely I’d see my name and piece in print somewhere? But no. Sadly, I didn’t get anywhere at all!
After a few months, I felt ready to try again. However, this time I carried out research first. I studied the tone and style of the magazine I intended to submit to, and what type of letter was likely to be picked for publication, plus the subject of it. For example, I learned that positive feedback about a previous feature was very popular.
I kept my submission short and snappy – and my hard work paid off. I was absolutely thrilled to see my very first letter published in What’s On TV magazine. I was delighted to receive a payment of £10 for little more than a paragraph.
Since then, I’ve had lots of letters published in Woman’s Weekly, The People’s Friend, Yours, My Weekly, Web User, Vegetarian Living, Take a Break and Your Cat. And lots more in What’s on TV – I even made Star Letter status once! (I was paid £25, instead of their usual £10).
How do I find ideas for letters? It’s easy – you need to think of what could appeal to readers.
For Woman’s Weekly, I once wrote about the tests I undertook for breast cancer. I urged readers not to ignore any call-ups. (Thankfully, I was okay.)
I’ve also been featured with several opinion pieces for the ‘You’re Telling Us’ page in Take a Break magazine. The ‘You’re Telling Us’ question can be found on the TAB Facebook page. They request a photo of yourself and your age, too.
TAB also publish call-outs for a true-life reader experience type of feature in the magazine. I’ve had ‘A letter to your younger self’ piece published and a ‘Christmas cringes’ one too. These can pay more – up to £100.
The TAB letters page, ‘We’ve Got Mail’ currently pays £25 and £50 for the star letter. They like photos with the letter.
TAB also have call-outs in the mag for paid photo opportunities, e.g. pets or kids in a messy/awkward situation.
Some publications offer a prize to the star letter only.
I attempt it, and often I don’t win the prize, yet I’m still pleased to see my piece published.
I’ve won a small beauty prize for my star letter in the free TESCO magazine, and being selected for Your Cat‘s star letter scooped me a range of cat toys and biscuits. Your Cat will pay for true life cat tales, too.
Update: Tesco now only award a prize to the star letter in their mag – it’s a £50 Tesco voucher. That’s bound to help with the grocery bill!
My prize letters in a monthly writing magazine netted me a free one-year magazine subscription – twice! (a fantastic saving of around £160).
If you have a hobby, e.g. computers, gardening, cooking – pick a suitable magazine that accompanies it. For instance, my hubby is a very good cook and baker. He’s had several recipes published in Take a Break‘s My Favourite Recipe magazine. (He was awarded £25 per recipe.)
It’s not just letters. Some magazines also publish short poems.
I’ve had several poems published in the fortnightly Yours magazine, and a weekly, The People’s Friend. These magazines like rhyming, upbeat, reader-friendly material.
TPF award a small prize (I’m not sure, but it used to be a tea caddy and a packet of loose tea) if your poem is selected for publication in their letters page – however, they pay £15 per poem if you target your poems to their other publications, e.g. their fiction special, annual or fireside book. The magazine has different email addresses for these slots.
Yours pay £10 in gift vouchers per poem. The vouchers can be spent practically anywhere. They pay a £10 gift voucher for a normal published letter too.
Yours regularly publishes call-outs in the mag for specific reader’s memory/nostalgia experiences. They sometimes require photos to accompany the feature, so you’d need to scan these in and send them with your article [or of course send digital photos – Nick].
Don’t forget that fillers such as top tips, funny photos, a ‘pet of the week’ type of feature, puzzles, jokes, beauty queries, travel articles (think about what’s interesting about about your town/city – photos required) and ‘items to be valued’ pieces are high in demand, too.
I’ve had my childhood teddy valued in Real People magazine (I earned £25). My cat has been featured in My Weekly (another £25) and I’ve had beauty questions featured in Take a Break. (They pay £25 for this.)
I’ve also made it to the TAB letters page, with their ‘What a laugh!’ slot. I was £50 richer for just a few lines of text!
A writer friend of mine likes to create her own word puzzles (not necessarily crosswords) and she has these published regularly in Real People magazine. If published, the fee for this is either £30 or £50.
I’m not a gardener, but my writing friends who are have hit the jackpot with letters and hints in gardening magazines. Prizes and cash are up for grabs.
Although you won’t be able to earn a regular salary with letters and fillers, the odd £10 here and there soon adds up.
Bear in mind that no matter how many letters you submit, you won’t be chosen every week. Consider the fact that the editor or team will become familiar with your name. However, saying that, they do appreciate regular contributors – just don’t swamp them!
Publications are always looking for well-written, entertaining, intelligent letters that fit in well with the editorial style of the magazine.
Always be cheerful and polite, don’t waffle, and make sure you follow the magazine’s submission instructions. It’s all done via email now.
Your subject heading should be: ‘Letter for consideration’.
Work can be edited, changed or even added to – to me, this doesn’t matter as I want to be published and I want to be paid.
Some magazines let you know beforehand if your letter/filler/poem has been selected, and some don’t. If you submit material regularly, this means a weekly scan of the magazines in newsagents or the supermarket to check if your piece is in.
Some prizes arrive completely out of the blue. One Christmas, I won a prize of a large jigsaw puzzle, yet I hadn’t a clue who had sent it or what publication my letter was in. All I had was a snail mail letter saying ‘Congratulations!’ from the makers of the jigsaw, which didn’t really help.
Later, I realised I must have been awarded star letter in Down Your Way, a Yorkshire-based nostalgic magazine. I quickly emailed the Ed and he confirmed it. (Update: I’ve won this prize a second time with a piece about phone boxes.) As it was approaching Christmas, it came in very handy as a gift for a family member who loves jigsaws.
So, what’s stopping you from having a go?
If I can do it, so can you! Get writing and good luck!
S. Bee
Thank you to S. Bee for an interesting and inspiring article.
I would just add that you don’t need any special writing skills to win cash and prizes this way. It’s really just a matter of keeping your ear to the ground about current events and issues, and coming up with positive, upbeat angles on them.
S. Bee isn’t being paid for this article, but she asked me to mention a charity ebook she is promoting on behalf of the RSPCA (who receive all profits). It’s called Paws for Thought – 27 Tail Thumping Stories (see front cover, right). It’s for a great cause and only costs £2.99 from Amazon as a Kindle ebook. If you enjoy short stories – and especially if you love animals – why not check it out? 🙂
As always, if you have any comments or questions about this article, please do post them below.
May 6, 2019 @ 2:16 pm
Writing letters and tips is a fun way of sharing ideas and making a little money.
May 6, 2019 @ 2:32 pm
Thanks, Patsy. Yes, definitely!
May 6, 2019 @ 6:55 pm
This is how I started in writing – seeing your name in print & receiving a prize or cheque is a real boost!
May 6, 2019 @ 7:52 pm
Thanks, Sally. Indeed it is!
May 7, 2019 @ 9:04 am
I’m a great fan of letter writing for magazines. Some names do seem to crop up more than others, but well done to them for taking the trouble to write in so often.
May 7, 2019 @ 12:52 pm
Thanks, Bea. Good luck with your own letter writing.
May 9, 2019 @ 4:12 pm
Wow, this can be fairly profitable then if you extend your reach across a few publications. I’ve never really thought about this very much. I’ve thought of writing actual articles, but never really knew how they get published; I tried sending something to Psychologies magazines a few years ago but never heard anything back. The letters and ad-hoc sections sound interesting and as you say, it’s often just a few lines or a paragraph. I’ll bookmark this post so I can take a proper look at some of the publications you mention, see whether I can send off a few things – no harm in trying! 😉
Caz x
May 18, 2019 @ 8:48 am
Thanks, Caz. Yes, it’s definitely worth a try 🙂
July 22, 2024 @ 9:40 am
I know I’m late to the party. I’ll certainly look at these suggestions. Your Cat sadly ceased publication at the end of 2023.
July 22, 2024 @ 9:59 am
Thanks, Patricia. Glad you enjoyed Sally’s article. Sorry to hear Your Cat magazine is no more.