Everything Else

This includes everything  else I discuss on Pounds and Sense, including Health, Holidays, Relationships, and so on.

How to prepare for winter blackouts

How to Prepare for Winter Blackouts

Unfortunately winter blackouts look increasingly probable in the UK.

There are various reasons for this. High among them is the transition away from fossil fuels to electricity. The latter will increasingly come from renewables like wind and solar. While they are (arguably) more environmentally friendly, renewables are less reliable than fossil fuels and produce significantly less power when the sun doesn’t shine or the wind doesn’t blow.

In addition, the growing use of electric vehicles (EVs) and heat pumps is adding to the overall demand for electricity, which current generation and distribution systems are struggling to keep pace with.

Even National Grid chiefs have acknowledged that winter blackouts are becoming more likely, in London and the South-East especially [source]. Only a few days ago we apparently came close to a nationwide blackout after an interconnector from the Nordic Grid failed and gas power stations had to be quickly fired up to meet the shortfall [source]. In future, as fossil fuels are phased out, this backup option may no longer be available.

  • I have also just heard that on Monday a backstop system designed to prevent blackouts was activated for the first time in two years as Britain’s power grid battled low winds and plummeting temperatures [source].

Finally, we live in an increasingly dangerous world. Wars in Ukraine and the Middle East threaten our gas and oil supply lines, which in turn may impact on our ability to generate electricity. And – without wanting to sound unduly alarmist – if these wars were to come to Britain’s doorstep, via the actions of terrorists or hostile nations, then attacks (including cyber-attacks) on our energy infrastructure certainly can’t be ruled out.

For ordinary UK residents, it’s therefore vital to prepare for increasingly likely disruptions to the electricity supply. This applies especially if there are young children or older people in the house, as they may be more vulnerable in the event of blackouts.

So here’s a guide to ensure that you are ready and able to cope during outages.

1. Emergency Kit Essentials

  • Lighting: Invest in battery-operated torches and lanterns. Avoid using candles due to fire risks.
  • Batteries: Stock up on various types of batteries for your devices.
  • Power Banks: Keep portable chargers fully charged for your phones and other essential gadgets.
  • First Aid Kit: Ensure it’s well-stocked with basic medical supplies.
  • Manual Tools: Have a manual can opener and basic tools handy.

2. Heating Solutions

  • Layer Up: Wear multiple layers of clothing and use extra blankets to stay warm.
  • Hot Water Bottles: Fill these with hot water before a blackout for lasting warmth.
  • Have Alternatives: Beware of relying entirely on electricity for heating. That obviously includes heat pumps, as they need electricity to function.
  • Fireplaces: If you have a fireplace, stock up on firewood and know how to use it safely. Some other non-electric heating options are discussed in this post.

3. Food and Water Supply

  • Non-Perishable Food: Stock up on canned goods, dried fruits, nuts and other non-perishable items.
  • Cooking: Have a camping stove or a portable gas cooker as a backup. Ensure you have adequate ventilation when using these indoors.
  • Water: Store bottled water in case of disruptions to the water supply. Aim for at least 2 litres per person per day.

4. Communication and Information

  • Battery-Powered Radio: This can be vital for receiving updates during a blackout.
  • Emergency Contacts: Keep a list of emergency phone numbers and contacts handy.
  • Community Networks: Stay in touch with neighbours, especially the elderly or vulnerable, to offer and receive support.

5. Household Preparations

  • Insulation: Check your home’s insulation and draught-proofing to retain heat.
  • Surge Protectors: Use these to protect your electronics from power surges when electricity is restored.
  • Freezers: Keep freezers closed during a blackout to maintain the cold temperature for as long as possible. Group items together to retain cold.
  • Home Battery: If you can afford it, a home storage battery can give your home a backup power source.
  • Uninterruptible Power Supply: A UPS is a device that can keep your wifi router and other essential electronics operating for a limited period in the event of a power cut. You can buy one (such as this) for around £100 from Amazon. They will also help protect connected devices from power surges.
  • Diesel Generator: it may not be particularly ‘green’, but a diesel generator is another relatively inexpensive backup solution.

6. Health and Safety

  • Medication: Ensure you have an adequate supply of essential medications.
  • Medical Devices: If you rely on electrically-powered medical devices, discuss contingency plans with your healthcare provider.
  • Carbon Monoxide Detectors: If using alternative heating methods, ensure you have working carbon monoxide detectors.

7. Entertainment and Activities

  • Books and Board Games: Have these on hand to keep everyone occupied without the need for electricity.
  • Exercise: Stay active indoors to generate body heat and keep spirits up.

8. Transportation and Mobility

  • EVs: If you have an EV, keep it charged.
  • Fuel: If you have a petrol or diesel vehicle, keep its tank topped up (service stations need electricity to operate pumps).
  • Public Transport: Be aware that services may be disrupted, so plan accordingly and have backup options for essential trips if required.

9. Emergency Plans

  • Evacuation: Have a plan for evacuating if necessary. Know your nearest emergency shelter locations.
  • Pets: Make provisions for your pets, including food, water and warmth.
  • Priority Services Register: If there are old and/or vulnerable people in your house, be sure to add your details to the Priority Services Register. This is free, only takes a moment, and should ensure you’re prioritized in the event of blackouts and other emergencies.

10. Stay Informed

  • Weather Updates: Regularly check weather forecasts and be aware of any blackout warnings.
  • Government Advice: Follow advice and updates from government sources and energy providers.

Closing Thoughts

While the prospect of winter blackouts may be daunting, thorough preparation should mitigate many of the challenges. By taking steps now, you can ensure the safety and comfort of your household, no matter what the winter months bring. Stay prepared, stay informed, and support your local community.

As always, if you have any comments or questions about this post, please do leave them below.

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Here’s Why I’m Not Doing EDF Energy’s ‘Sunday Saver’ Challenge

Here’s Why I’m Not Doing EDF Energy’s ‘Sunday Saver’ Challenge

Recently my energy supplier, EDF Energy, has been sending me invitations to sign up for what it calls its ‘Sunday Saver’ challenge.

The way this works is that you sign up to shift some of your electricity usage on weekdays away from peak hours (4pm-7pm). When you hit your target (which is set individually for each user by EDF), you earn free electricity the following Sunday. 

EDF say, ‘The more you shift, the more you earn – reduce your weekly peak usage by 40% and you could earn up to 16 hours of free electricity per week.’ 

The challenge is due to take place monthly, starting on the first Monday of each month.

At first glance you might think this is a good offer. But as I have looked into it more, my doubts have grown. Here are my main reservations…

  1. To benefit from this scheme you have to cut your daily energy usage every weekday between 4pm and 7pm. That’s quite a long period (three hours), and coincides with when I would normally be cooking my evening meal. To have any realistic chance of cutting my energy use during this time, I would have to eat either ridiculously early or significantly later than normal. For various reasons, including my health, I prefer to eat between 6 and 7 pm and no later. So that in itself is a big ask and would impact drastically on my normal routine.
  2. Free electricity on Sunday sounds great, but the devil is in the detail. EDF say that you will get ‘up to 16 hours’ of free electricity if you meet their targets, but are very vague about what this means in practice. Specifically, they don’t explain how your energy-saving targets are calculated, how any reduction in usage translates to free hours, or when on Sunday you will be able to use the free electricity awarded.
  3. In addition, they say there are ‘fair usage’ limits to how much free electricity you can have. Again, they are vague about what this means in practice. The obvious way to use your free electricity would be to charge your EV, and I strongly suspect limits would be placed on this. As for me, I don’t have an EV and don’t want one, so my options for benefiting from the free electricity would be limited. I could shift use of appliances like my washing machine to Sunday but doubt if I could save more than a few kw/h this way (obviously the exact number would depend on how many free hours I was allocated, which is anyone’s guess). That means my free electricity would likely benefit me by no more than a pound or two. 
  4. Lastly, as a solar panel owner I already get some free electricity anyway. My panels obviously generate less in the winter, but during daylight hours they still produce something. That means any benefit from free electricity on Sundays will be reduced, especially if (as is likely) the free hours are in the day rather than at night.

Overall, then, I am not much enamoured of EDF’s Sunday Saver challenges and won’t be signing up. Ultimately, I am not prepared to make major changes to my day-to-day schedule in pursuit of what will likely be (in my case anyway) minuscule rewards. 

Obviously some will see this differently and I wish them well. And it’s good that EDF (and other companies) are exploring ways to help customers reduce their bills. I do just think this particular one – for me anyway – is a non-starter. 

I would be interested to hear any comments from people doing this challenge (or similar ones from other energy companies) as to whether they find it worthwhile, and whether the benefits really do justify the changes you are required to make.

  • I do still recommend EDF Energy based on my personal experiences with them. And as I’ve said before on PAS, I can offer anyone switching to EDF £50 off their bills if they use my refer-a-friend link at  https://edfenergy.com/quote/refer-a-friend/sunny-koala-9462 when applying. I will also get £50 off my bill if you do this, which is duly appreciated 🙂

UPDATE 22 OCTOBER 2024 – I am indebted to the readers (especially Harry!) who have taken the time to comment on this article and address some of the points raised in my original post. Based on this I have changed my views somewhat and am considering registering for the scheme when it reopens in November. If you’re still wondering whether to take the plunge, please do take the time to read the comments as (like me) they may influence your decision. I will publish an update in due course if I proceed with it next month.

UPDATE 28 NOVEMBER 2024 – Thanks again to everyone who commented on this post. Sorry I couldn’t reply to everyone individually. You may like to know that I just added a new post about why I changed my mind and registered for the EDF ‘Sunday Saver’ Challenge and how I got on in my first month. Please see https://www.poundsandsense.com/heres-why-i-changed-my-mind-about-edf-energys-sunday-saver-challenge/

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Get Your Will Written Free of Charge in October

Get Your Will Written Free of Charge in October

Did you know that October is Free Wills Month?

Free Wills Month brings together a group of well-respected charities to offer members of the public aged 55 and over the opportunity to have their wills written or updated free using participating solicitors across the UK.

The charities involved include the NSPCC, Dogs Trust, Samaritans, Mind, Age UK, The Stroke Association, PDSA, and many others. Free Wills Month happens twice a year, in March and October.

The scheme covers simple wills only, including ‘mirror wills’ for couples. In the latter case, only one member of the couple has to be 55 or over. If you need a complicated will (most people don’t) you can still have this done but may have to pay a top-up fee.

I have talked about the importance of creating a will and why you should get it done by a properly qualified solicitor previously on PAS. An up-to-date will written by a solicitor will ensure that your wishes are respected and will avoid causing legal complications for your loved ones after you are gone.

Free Wills Month means what it says. There are no catches, although the organizers hope that you will choose to leave a donation to charity in your will. There is no obligation to do this, however.

To take part in Free Wills Month click through to the website during October and fill in your details. You can then pick a solicitor from the list of companies taking part and contact them to book an appointment. Appointments are limited and on a first come, first served basis, so it’s best to apply as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

  • Free Wills Month October 2024 starts officially on Tuesday 1st October 2024 but you can sign up on the FWM website to be notified when when the campaign starts in your area.

If you have any comments or questions about this subject, as ever, please do post them below.

Note: This is a revised and updated version of my original post on this subject.

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Back to School Giveaway 2024

UK Bloggers’ Back to School Giveaway 2024

Yes, it’ s time for another exciting giveaway here on Pounds and Sense. This one has a ‘back to school’ theme. In most parts of the UK, of course, this occurs in early September. Scottish schools generally return a bit earlier, around mid-August.

Again I have clubbed together with some of my fellow UK bloggers to provide a plethora of great prizes. And the best news is, it’s entirely free to enter. The giveaway is open now and will close on September 1st 2024.

The prizes have been hand-picked for children and young people returning to school this autumn, so they should be ideal for your children or grandchildren. But if you want to keep any for yourself, we promise we won’t tell!

This event has (again) been organized by Rowena Becker, who blogs at My Balancing Act. No small amount of effort has been involved in arranging and co-ordinating it, so many thanks again to Rowena for her hard work and dedication.

Without further ado, then, I’ll hand you over to Rowena to introduce the giveaway…

Back to School Giveaway

Get ready for an exciting opportunity as some of the top UK bloggers unite to bring you a fantastic back-to-school giveaway! We’ve teamed up to offer one lucky winner a fabulous collection of school essentials that will make heading back to the classroom a breeze.

From stylish lunch bags and durable water bottles, to school shoes and jackets, this giveaway promises to equip you with some great goodies to kick off the school year in style. Join us in this collaborative celebration and enter for your chance to win these amazing prizes. Let’s make this school year the best one yet!

In order to be able to bring you this incredible giveaway, some of the UK’s top bloggers got together. A massive thank you to all involved! The bloggers taking part are:

My Balancing Act | The Mum Diaries | Boxnip | Welsh Mum | Wotawoman DiaryCatch Up With Claire | Synderella SlimsPounds and Sense | Jenny in Neverland | Life with Jupiter & Dann | Be Your Own Example | Diary of the Evans-Crittens | Have A Merry Little Christmas | Crafted With Perfection | Thrifty Husband | Norfolk’s Best | Joanna VictoriaCrazy Little Thing Called Love | Birds and Lilies | My Life Your Way | We Made This Vegan | Things To Make And Do | Cosy Cottage Chronicles | Sunshine and Selfies | Single Dad’s Guide To Life | Two Plus Dogs | Hannah and the Twiglets | Cats Kids and Chaos | Anything and Everything Else | The Money Making Mum | The Property Investor Blog

The Prizes

Start-Rite school shoes

Start-Rite school shoes


Start-Rite Shoes is giving one lucky winner the chance to win a pair of school shoes for their child.

The foundation of any school uniform is a quality fitted pair of shoes, but there is nothing uniform about a Start-Rite school shoe! With 12 new styles added to their school shoe collection this season, Start-Rite is more prepared than ever to protect your children’s feet. No one size fits all, as every pair of feet has individual requirements to ensure healthy physical development.

Whether you’re looking to support wide or narrow feet, a high instep, or shoes that double for a special occasion, Start-Rite has a style to suit every child.  

EcoSplash Fleece Lined Jacket Navy from Muddy Puddles

EcoSplash jacket

Gear up for the ultimate back-to-school season with Muddy Puddles’ in our back-to-school giveaway! Included in the prize bundle is a top-tier kids waterproof jacket that ensures your young adventurers are ready for any weather.

This navy raincoat features an impressive waterproof rating of 10,000mm to keep your child dry during heavy downpours, perfect for rainy days. Crafted from durable, breathable fabric made from recycled plastic bottles, it’s both eco-friendly and long-lasting. The soft fleece lining provides extra warmth, while the jacket’s design makes it easy to layer across various seasons. Fully taped seams offer robust protection against the elements, and reflective details enhance visibility in low-light conditions for added safety. Plus, it’s machine washable at 30 degrees for easy care.

Muddy Puddles has your kids covered for back to school with their back to school jackets, waterproofs, and more—ensuring every rainy walk to school, puddle-jumping session, and chilly playground adventure is tackled in style and comfort!

Smash lunch bag and water bottle set


Gear up for the school year with an essential lunch bag and water bottle set! The Smash Lunch Bag is your kids perfect lunchtime companion, designed with full insulation and an antibacterial lining to ensure their meals are as fresh as possible. Made from premium neoprene, this lunch bag is not only fully washable but also brings a splash of personality and fun to every meal.

Stay hydrated in style with the Smash Twin Wall Soda Bottle. Made from durable stainless steel, this sustainable bottle features a sleek design and a removable cap, making it an ideal everyday accessory. It’s BPA-free, food-safe, non-toxic, and offers a smart, twin-walled construction.

Create-a-Space™ Storage Centre from Learning Resources


Introducing a stylish addition to any back-to-school setup: the Create-a-Space™ Storage Centre from Learning Resources, which is part of our exclusive giveaway prize bundle! Perfectly blending modern design with practicality, this white 10-piece set will seamlessly fit into any décor theme, whether at home or in the classroom.

The carousel-style design features 8 removable containers, providing the perfect solution for organising essentials like glue sticks, crayons, pens and more. Keep your workstation clutter-free and enjoy a space that is as functional as it is chic with this versatile storage centre.

LittleLife Flip-Top Water Bottle!

Water bottle

Family active outdoors brand, LittleLife, is giving one person their choice of a flip-top water bottle, perfect for the school day.

Made from impact-resistant Tritan copolyester, a watertight lid and holding 550ml, these bottles are durable and fit fuss-free into your child’s school rucksack or backpack. LittleLife’s water bottles also come with a chew-resistant straw to avoid lingering tastes and odours due to being BPA-free.

Brainstorm Toys Children’s 14cm Desktop World Globe


Discover new horizons with the Brainstorm Toys Children’s 14cm Desktop World Globe, a shining star in our back-to-school giveaway prize bundle! This compact yet high-quality globe is a treasure trove of knowledge, showcasing detailed political boundaries, natural wonders like lakes, rivers, and deserts, as well as capitals and major cities.

Perfect for curious minds, this globe is ideal for home or school, making it a must-have for any aspiring explorer. The sturdy base ensures stability, while its easy rotation allows young adventurers to seamlessly explore different areas of the world. Enhance your child’s learning experience and ignite curiosity with this engaging educational tool.

Little Brian Scribble Paint Sticks

Paint sticks

Unleash your creativity with Scribble Paint Sticks by Little Brian, a standout addition to our giveaway prize bundle! These innovative paint sticks are perfect for adding intricate details and patterns to your artwork, thanks to their finer tip. Featuring 12 vibrant classic colours, they bring your child’s artistic visions to life with ease. Enjoy a mess-free painting experience where paint twists up and down just like a glue stick and dries in under 60 seconds. Whether you’re working on paper, card, wood, or glass, these versatile paint sticks make it simple to explore your creativity without the clean-up hassle.

How to Enter

You can enter this Back to School Giveaway by completing as many Rafflecopter widget entry options below as you like. All entries will be collated, and one winner will be randomly chosen via Rafflecopter. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Terms and Conditions

  • The giveaway will run from 4 pm 23rd August 2024 to 8 pm 1st September 2024.
  • The winner will be notified by email from rowena@mybalancingact.co.uk
  • The winner will have 7 days to respond, after which time we reserve the right to select an alternative winner.
  • This prize draw is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube, BlogLovin or Pinterest or any other social media platform.
  • Prizes open to over 18s only. Age verification may be required to receive some prizes.
  • Some or all of the prizes may take a few weeks to arrive.
  • If any prizes are out of stock then we will do our best to find a suitable replacement but cannot guarantee it.
  • Anyone who unfollows before the giveaway ends or doesn’t complete the required entry action will be disqualified.
  • The prize is non-transferable, non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for monetary value.
  • We may be using a parcel service or Royal Mail for some of the prizes and their standard compensation will apply in the event of loss or damage.
  • Some items may be sent directly by the supplier and we do not have responsibility if these go missing and we cannot replace such items.
  • In the unlikely event that one of the companies withdraws a prize, we cannot offer an alternative.
  • The winner’s name will be stated on some or all of our bloggers’ websites and announced on Twitter/X and other social media channels. It will also be displayed on the Rafflecopter entry form. By entering this prize draw, you give your permission for this.
  • Please note the winner may have the same name as you so if you see your name displayed, be aware that you are not the winner unless you have been notified by us.
  • There may be some delays in receiving prizes.

Good luck, and I hope a Pounds and Sense reader wins this fabulous prize bundle!

Note: This post (and others on Pounds and Sense) includes affiliate links. If you click through and make a purchase or perform some other specified action, I may receive a commission for introducing you. This will have no effect on the product or service you receive or the price you pay for it, but it does help me pay my bills. Thank you!

Back to School giveaway banner

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How to win cash and prizes in online competitions

How to Win Cash and Prizes in Online Competitions

In a recent post I talked about tax-free ways to boost your finances. It occurs to me that I omitted an important one, however – entering prize draws and competitions. In the UK anyway, cash and prizes acquired this way are normally tax-free.

In recent years the internet has opened up a host of opportunities for entering (and winning) competitions from home. Whether you’re a seasoned ‘comper’ or a newbie eager to try your luck, I hope you will find the tips, resources and advice in this post useful…

1. Finding the Right Competitions

The first step towards winning is finding the competitions themselves. Here are some ways to discover them:

  • Competition Websites: Sites like Competition Database, Loquax, and The Prize Finder list numerous competitions in the UK.
  • Social Media: Follow brands, influencers (e.g. Superlucky Di) and competition-focused groups on Facebook, Twitter/X and Instagram. Search for relevant hashtags, e.g. #competition #prize #giveaway. Many businesses also run exclusive competitions for their social media followers.
  • Email Newsletters: Subscribe to newsletters from your favourite brands and competition websites to receive alerts about the latest contests.

2. Setting up Dedicated Comping Accounts

It’s best to set up dedicated email and social media accounts for your comping. Inevitably you will receive growing volumes of promotional material and even (regrettably) spam. Using separate, dedicated accounts will ensure your personal accounts don’t get cluttered up.

  • Check Email Regularly: To save time, you can search for relevant words and phrases like Congratulations, Winner and Runner-up.
  • Set up Accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter/X just for Comping: Some competitions require you to ‘like’ or follow a particular brand on social media in order to enter.
  • Don’t Sign Up for Further Info: Avoid ticking the box to receive more information when entering a competition, unless you are really sure you want this. Doing so can result in your inbox swiftly  being overrun.

3. Understanding the Rules

Each competition has its own set of rules and regulations. Carefully read the terms and conditions to understand:

  • Eligibility: Ensure you meet the requirements (e.g. age, location).
  • Entry Limits: Some competitions allow multiple entries, while others are strictly one per person.
  • Closing Dates: Note the end date to ensure you don’t miss out.

4. Crafting Winning Entries

Certain types of competition require more than just luck. Here’s how to stand out:

  • Skill-based Competitions: These might ask for a slogan, recipe, or photo. Be creative and original. Research past winners to understand what judges are looking for.
  • Tie-breakers: If there’s a question to answer, put some thought into it. A unique and clever response can be your ticket to winning.

5. Maximising Your Entries

To increase your chances, enter as many competitions as possible. Here’s how:

  • Set a Schedule: Dedicate time each day or week to entering competitions.
  • Use Autofill Tools: Tools like RoboForm can save time by automatically filling out your details for you.
  • Keep Track: Maintain a list or (preferably) spreadsheet of entered competitions to avoid duplicates and track deadlines.

6. Avoiding Scams

While many competitions are legitimate, some are not. Protect yourself by:

  • Verifying the Source: Only enter competitions from reputable websites or brands.
  • Not Paying Fees: Genuine competitions won’t ask you to pay to enter.
  • Checking Reviews: Look up the competition and the company running it to ensure they have a good reputation.

7. Networking with Fellow Compers

Join online communities and forums such as MoneySavingExpert or dedicated Facebook groups (such as this one) where members share tips, winning stories and new competition finds. Networking with other compers can provide valuable insights and motivation.

8. Celebrating Wins, Big and Small

Not every prize will be a jackpot, but every win counts. Celebrate all victories, whether it’s a small voucher or a large cash prize. Sharing your wins on social media or competition forums can also encourage others and attract positive attention.

9. Staying Persistent

Winning competitions requires patience and perseverance. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t win straight away. Keep entering regularly, and your persistence will eventually pay off.

Closing Thoughts

Winning cash and prizes through online competitions is a fun and potentially rewarding hobby. By keeping organised, being creative, and staying wary of scams, you can significantly boost your chances of success. So get out there, start entering, and who knows? You might just land that dream holiday or big tax-free cash prize sooner than you think 😎🍾🏖

Happy comping, and may the odds be ever in your favour!

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What alternatives are there to heat pumps?

What Alternatives Are There to Heat Pumps?

Today I’m sharing a post I originally wrote for my friends at Mouthy Money. It’s an important topic so, by agreement with Mouthy Money, I am publishing it here as well.

As you are probably aware, the UK government is currently pushing heat pumps hard in its quest to achieve Net Zero. As I said in my earlier article for Mouthy Money, however, they are definitely not a one-size-fits-all solution for home (or business) heating.

Even the government admits heat pumps are unsuitable for around 4 million UK homes, for a variety of reasons including lack of outside space and planning restrictions. Industry estimates suggest the real number is closer to 8 million [source].

Even if your home is theoretically suitable for a heat pump, there are good reasons why you might not want one. As previously discussed, these include the high initial cost, the potential noise issues, and the fact they work less well in cold weather (just when you need them most!). 

For heat pumps to operate effectively, properties must be well insulated, and bigger pipes and radiators are likely to be needed. This can add considerably to the cost, not to mention the disruption caused. In my personal view heat pumps are best suited to new-build homes that can be designed around them.

So today I thought I would set out a range of other home heating solutions you might want to consider. I will also set out some points to take into account before making any decision.

Heat Pump Alternatives

1. Gas boilers

Gas boilers have been a staple in UK homes for decades, and they remain a very popular choice for heating. They provide reliable and instant heat, making them particularly suitable for homes with high hot water demand. While they rely on fossil fuels, modern condensing boilers are more energy-efficient, helping to reduce carbon emissions (and costs) compared to older models.

2. Oil boilers

For properties not connected to the gas grid, oil boilers offer a viable alternative. They work similarly to gas boilers but use heating oil stored in a tank on the property. While oil prices can fluctuate, modern oil boilers are highly efficient and can provide consistent warmth to homes in rural areas or those without access to natural gas.

  • In future oil boilers may be converted to run on hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO), which is a renewable and 100% biodegradable alternative [source].

3. Biomass boilers

Biomass boilers use organic materials such as wood pellets, chips or logs to generate heat. They’re a sustainable option, as wood is a renewable resource.

Biomass boilers can be integrated into existing heating systems and may be eligible for government incentives such as Green Deal, making them an attractive choice for environmentally conscious homeowners.

4. LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) boilers

LPG is a clean-burning fossil fuel typically stored in a tank on the property, providing a reliable source of heating and hot water. LPG boilers function similarly to natural gas boilers, offering instant heat and efficient performance. They’re particularly popular in rural areas where mains gas is unavailable, providing homeowners with a convenient and cost-effective alternative for heating their homes.

5. Electric heating systems

Electric heating systems come in many different forms, including electric radiators, storage heaters and underfloor heating. They also include low-emission infrared panels.

While electricity prices can be higher than gas or oil, advances in technology have led to more energy-efficient electric heating options. They are often easier – and therefore cheaper – to install and require less maintenance compared to traditional boiler systems. They can be a good choice for smaller properties and those with limited space.

6. Air conditioning systems

Traditionally associated with cooling, modern air conditioning systems can also provide heating during colder months through a process known as reverse cycle or heat pump technology. 

These systems extract heat from the outdoor air and transfer it indoors, offering both heating and cooling capabilities in a single unit. While more common in warmer climates, air conditioning systems are becoming increasingly popular for heating purposes in the UK due to their energy efficiency and versatility.

7. Electric boiler systems

Electric boilers function similarly to gas or oil boilers but use electricity as their primary energy source. They heat water for central heating and domestic hot water supply, offering a clean and convenient heating solution. They can normally be used with the same radiators as gas boilers, unlike heat pumps which (as mentioned above) typically require the installation of bigger radiators and pipes.

Electric boilers are compact, quiet, and emit no emissions on-site, making them suitable for properties where space or ventilation is limited. While electricity costs may be higher than some other options, electric boiler systems can be an efficient and low-maintenance option.

  • The MInistry of Defence recently decided to opt for electric boilers rather than heat pumps as a more cost-effective solution for barracks and other military installations [source].

8. Hybrid heating systems

Hybrid heating systems combine two or more heating technologies to optimize energy efficiency and performance. For instance, a hybrid system might pair a gas boiler with a heat pump or integrate solar thermal panels with a conventional boiler. These systems offer flexibility and can adapt to changing energy demands, providing homeowners with both reliability and sustainability.

9. Solid fuel stoves

Solid fuel stoves, such as wood-burning or multi-fuel stoves, provide both warmth and ambiance to homes. They’re particularly popular in rural areas where homeowners have access to firewood or other solid fuels. While they require manual operation and regular maintenance, solid fuel stoves can significantly reduce heating costs and add character to any living space.

10. District heating networks

In urban areas, district heating networks supply heat to multiple buildings from a central source, such as a combined heat and power (CHP) plant or biomass facility. This communal approach to heating can be more efficient and cost-effective than individual heating systems, offering residents a sustainable and reliable heat supply without the need for on-site boilers or heat pumps.

Considerations When Choosing an Alternative

When exploring alternatives to heat pumps, various factors need to be considered. 

Cost: Evaluate the initial investment, ongoing maintenance costs, and potential savings (or otherwise) on energy bills.

Space and suitability: Consider the available space for installation and the specific requirements of each heating system.

Energy efficiency: Look for heating solutions with high energy efficiency to minimize running costs and environmental impact. 

Fuel availability: Assess the availability and accessibility of fuel sources in your area.

Control options: Explore the available control features, such as programmable thermostats or smart technology integration, for convenient operation and efficient energy management.

Lifestyle factors: Some heating methods (e.g. electric) are good if you are out and about a lot but want rapid warmth when you get home. Other methods (including heat pumps) are better suited to those who are around more in the day and like to keep their home at a fairly constant temperature.

Political and economic factors: Bear in mind that the government is keen to achieve its Net Zero targets, and as a result some heating options may become more costly in future and harder (or even impossible) to access. That applies to fossil fuels in particular; although realistically it is hard to see fuels such as gas being banned entirely any time soon.

Finally, I’d like to sound a note of caution about putting all your home heating eggs in one metaphorical basket, especially that of electricity.

As the UK transitions from fossil fuels towards (supposedly) greener electricity, power cuts are likely to become more frequent and longer. The growing use of heat pumps and EVs will add to the demand for electricity from a distribution network that is already struggling to cope. And renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, while they might be more environmentally friendly, produce significantly less electricity when the sun doesn’t shine or the wind doesn’t blow. 

If you’re entirely reliant on electricity for your home heating, this could make you vulnerable in the event of outages (especially relevant if there are older people in the house). In my view there is much to be said for having a backup heating source, e.g. solid fuel, to keep your home warm if the mains electricity fails. Of course, this applies with regard to heat pumps as well, as they require electricity to function.

It’s also worth noting that in Scandinavian countries, where heat pumps are more common, most families have an additional source of heating as well as heat pumps to get them through the coldest months.

  • A home battery system, as discussed in this recent article, can also reduce your vulnerability in case of power cuts, especially when combined with solar panels.

Closing Thoughts

In summary, while the government and energy companies are pushing heat pumps hard, they are far from the only possible home heating solution, either now or in future. 

If you’re considering upgrading your heating, take time to evaluate all the options and don’t be unduly swayed by the heat pump hype (and even misinformation). While these devices can work well for new-builds in particular, they are definitely not the only option.

By exploring alternatives such as gas and oil boilers, biomass systems, electric boilers, LPG boilers, solid fuel stoves, and others, you should be able to find a heating solution to suit your budget, your lifestyle, your priorities and your property size and character.

Good luck, and please do stay warm! 

As always, if you have any comments or questions about this article, please do post them below.

This article was first published in Mouthy Money.

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UK Bloggers Fathers Day Giveaway 2024

UK Bloggers Father’s Day Giveaway 2024

Summer is here (just about!) so it’s time for another exciting giveaway on Pounds and Sense. This one is themed around Father’s Day, which this year is on Sunday June 16th.

I have clubbed together with some of my fellow UK bloggers to provide a bunch of great prizes guaranteed to put a grin on any dad’s face. And the best news is, it’s entirely free to enter! The giveaway is open now and will close at 11.45 am on Sunday June 16th.

This event has (again) been organized by Rowena Becker, who blogs at My Balancing Act. No small amount of effort has been involved in arranging and co-ordinating it, so many thanks again to Rowena for her hard work and dedication.

Without further ado, then, I’ll hand you over to Rowena to introduce the giveaway…

The Giveaway

This Father’s Day, prepare to delight the special man in your life with an extraordinary giveaway brought to you by a collaboration of top UK bloggers. We’ve joined forces to curate a bundle of prizes that promises not only to impress but also to provide moments of joy. This giveaway is your chance to give your dad something truly special this Father’s Day.

Just head to the bottom of this post for details on how to enter and join us in celebrating the incredible men in our lives with a gift that stands out from the rest. Don’t miss this opportunity to make Father’s Day unforgettable this year!

Meet the Bloggers

In order to be able to bring you this incredible giveaway, some of the UK’s top bloggers got together. A massive thank you to our bloggers! The bloggers taking part are:

My Balancing Act | Jenny in Neverland | Diary of the Evans-Crittens | Catch Up With Claire | Synderella Slims | Wotawoman Diary | Cosy Cottage Chronicles | Becca Blogs It Out | Wallet-Wise Wanderlust | Homegrown Happiness Hub | Finding Peace and QuietWe Made This Life | My Life Your Way | We Made This Vegan | Life with Jupiter & Dann | Birds and Lilies | Notes from a kitchen | Sand and Sunshine | The Geordie Grandma | Crazy Little Thing Called LoveEverything Enchanting | Afshanesque | Pounds and Sense | Hannah and the Twiglets | Two Plus Dogs | A Suffolk Mum | Sustainable Business | My Tunbridge Wells | EdinburgersCats Kids Chaos | Crunchy Family | Happy Family HubAnything and Everything Else | Cyprus Property Blog | The Money Making Mum | The Property Investor Blog

The Prizes

Opinel Barbecue Set

Opinel BBQ set

Celebrate Father’s Day in style with the Opinel Barbecue Set! This timeless set is the perfect companion for socialising and dining with friends, offering a blend of practicality and elegance. Crafted in France using eco-friendly local materials, the set includes three essential utensils:

  1. N°12B Folding Knife: Featuring a 16cm stainless steel blade and a durable beechwood handle sourced from French forests, this knife is equipped with a safety collar for secure locking in open and closed positions. Complete with a built-in bottle opener, this versatile tool is a must-have for any outdoor gathering.
  2. Spatula+: Crafted from stonewashed finish stainless steel, this spatula attaches to the N°12B knife handle and secures in place with the safety collar. With a generous 8.5cm x 20cm surface area, it simplifies food handling with its narrow angle and beveled edges for precise scraping and separating.
  3. XL Tongs: Measuring 40cm in length, these stonewashed stainless steel tongs ensure easy and safe food handling. Their asymmetrical heads offer versatility, allowing you to grip both large and small items effortlessly, while the grid-lifting slot enhances convenience during grilling sessions.

Don’t miss this chance to win this exceptional Opinel Barbecue Set for the dad in your life!

Team GB: Jokesaws Medals in the Making 1000 piece Jigsaw


Prepare for excitement with “Medals in the Making” – a vibrant 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle, included in our Father’s Day Giveaway prize bundle. Join Team GB in a whirlwind of Olympic events featuring skateboarders, swimmers, cyclists, and sprinters. This officially licensed puzzle is part of Gibson Puzzle’s humorous Jokesaws range, promising entertainment and laughter as you piece together this energetic scene painted by Phil Dobson. Get your dad ready for a fun challenge filled with hidden gems and jokes! The perfect gift this Father’s day!

African Shea Black Soap 120g from Aviela

Hero soap

Introducing the luxurious African Shea Black Soap 120g as a delightful addition to our Father’s Day prize bundle, making it a perfect gift choice. Handcrafted with care, this gentle cleansing soap bar is enriched with pure Shea Butter, Cocoa Pod Ash, and nourishing natural oils like Coconut and Neem. Its moisturizing formula, rich in essential fatty acids and vitamins, effectively cleanses while soothing the skin, offering a pampering experience for dads.

African Orange Hand and Body Wash from Evolve Organic Beauty

Hand and body wash

Presenting the indulgent AFRICAN ORANGE AROMATIC HAND & BODY WASH (250ml) as a luxurious addition to our Father’s Day prize bundle, offering a perfect gift choice. Formulated with natural Coconut and Sugar Extracts, this aromatic wash gently cleanses and hydrates while preserving the skin’s pH balance. Enriched with Organic Aloe Vera, it nourishes and soothes, leaving a delightful scent of blood orange, vanilla, black pepper, and cedarwood. Treat dad to this organic hand wash for a pampering and comforting experience.

Kanoodle® Ultimate Champion from Learning Resources


Our lucky winner will get to experience the thrill of the #KanoodleChallenge as it’s part of our Father’s Day prize bundle, offering a chance to become the Kanoodle Ultimate Champion! With 500 diverse 2D and 3D puzzle challenges, this game will delight dads seeking a stimulating mental workout. Perfect for gifting, it combines fun, logic, and portability in one exciting package.

How to Enter

You can enter the Giveaway by completing as many Rafflecopter widget entry options below as you like. All entries will be collected, and one winner will be randomly chosen via Rafflecopter. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A Rafflecopter giveaway

Terms and Conditions of the Giveaway

  • UK entries only
  • The giveaway will run from 3 pm 8th June 2024 to 11.45 am 16th June 2024.
  • The winners will be notified by email from rowena@mybalancingact.co.uk
  • The winner will have 7 days to respond after which time we reserve the right to select an alternative winner.
  • This prize draw is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube, BlogLovin or Pinterest or any other social media platform.
  • Prize open to over 18s only. Age verification may be required to receive some prizes.
  • Some or all of the prizes may take a few weeks to arrive.
  • If any prizes are out of stock then we will do our best to find a suitable replacement but cannot guarantee it.
  • Anyone who unfollows before the giveaway ends or doesn’t complete the required entry action will be disqualified.
  • The prize is non-transferable, non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for monetary value.
  • We may be using a parcel service or Royal Mail for some of the prizes and their standard compensation will apply in the event of loss or damage.
  • Some items may be sent directly by the supplier and we do not have responsibility if these go missing and we cannot replace these.
  • In the unlikely event, one of the companies withdraws a prize, we cannot offer an alternative.
  • The winner’s name will be stated on some or all of our bloggers’ websites and announced on Twitter and other social media channels. It will also be displayed on the Rafflecopter entry form. By entering this prize draw, you give your permission for this.
  • Please note the winner may have the same name as you so if you see your name displayed, be aware that you are not the winner unless you have been notified by us.
    There may be some delays in receiving prizes.

Good luck, and I hope a Pounds and Sense reader wins this fabulous prize bundle!

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Vote 2019 Election

How to Ensure You Can Cast Your Vote in the General Election

Last week I published this post about how to get a postal vote. If you wish to do this, I urge you to act as soon as possible, as the deadlines for applying are fast approaching.

  • If you have been given a postal vote you won’t be able to vote in a polling station, although you can take your postal vote there in person if it’s too late to post it.

Today I want to talk about how to ensure you are able to vote on the day – 4th July 2024 – if you don’t have a postal vote. I am particularly addressing older individuals today, since they are the people for whom this blog is primarily intended.

The name and address of your local polling station will be on your poll card. This is the only place you can go to vote. It’s a good idea to take the card with you so that the clerks can find you on the register. But it’s not compulsory to take it if you have misplaced it (or never received it) . In that case you will simply need to provide your name and address.

For the first time in a UK general election, however, you will need to bring a form of photo ID with you when you go to vote. Various options are acceptable, including a photo driving licence, passport, old person’s bus pass, Blue Badge, and so on. They don’t even have to be current so long as you can be recognised in the photo. You can see full details of what forms of photo ID are acceptable on this web page. Failing that, you can apply for a free Voter ID document here – the closing date to apply for this is Weds 26th June. You will of course need to be registered to vote before you can apply for this. Note that photo ID is not required when voting by post.

Here then are some tips for getting safely to and from the polling station on election day.

Going to Vote

  • Aim to get to the polling station early in the day.
  • Plan your journey in advance. If you know the best route to the polling station, this will make your journey less stressful, especially if the weather is bad.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for assistance if needed. See if a friend, relative or neighbour can accompany you or give you a lift.
  • If you are going in a car, plan where you will park in advance. If you have a Blue Badge, you can of course park on yellow lines for up to 3 hours, so long as there are no other restrictions. But it is better to park in designated disabled bays if these are available.
  • If you are stuck for a way of getting to the polling station, you could contact the local office of the party you intend to vote for. They are all keen to get their voters out and will help you if they can, perhaps by putting you in touch with a volunteer who can give you a lift.
  • Finally, at the risk of stating the obvious, take your time and don’t rush, especially if the weather is bad. Casting your vote is important, but so too is avoiding accidents and staying healthy.

Helping Older People to Vote

If you have older (and/or disabled) friends, relatives or neighbours, it is a good idea to check if they wish to vote, and if so to offer your assistance.

A lift to the polling station may be appreciated. Or you could simply offer to accompany them on the journey there and back. This applies especially if they have mobility difficulties.

Whatever your political preference, I urge you to express this by voting on Thursday 4th July. As I said in my earlier post, it is important that the voices of older people are heard by law-makers, and that their views are given due weight.

I hope that by following the tips and advice above you are able to cast your vote safely and with a minimum of hassle.

As always, if you have any comments or questions about this post, please do leave them below.

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How to apply for a postal vote in the UK

How to Apply for a Postal Vote

For better or worse, Britain will have a General Election on Thursday 4th July 2024.

I have seen several articles urging young people to register so they can cast their vote when the time comes. Of course, it is right that in any democracy as many eligible people as possible register and turn out to vote. However, it is just as essential that older people also have their say.

As Pounds and Sense is aimed primarily at over-fifties, I therefore wanted to take the opportunity to encourage you to apply now for a postal vote if this might help you exercise your democratic right to vote.

Having a postal vote means that if ill health, frailty or disability prevent you getting to a polling station, you still have the opportunity to express your political preference. Likewise, you won’t have to worry about obstacles such as bad weather or a lack of transport on the day to get to the polling station.

Any registered voter in the UK can apply for a postal vote. This includes:

  • British citizens living in the UK
  • British citizens living abroad (overseas voters)
  • Commonwealth and Irish citizens residing in the UK

In England, Scotland and Wales (though not Northern Ireland – see below) you will not normally have to give any reason for wanting a postal vote and one should be granted automatically if you apply.

  • I assume that most readers of this blog will have registered to vote in elections already, but if by chance you haven’t, here’s a link to the relevant website. You must register by 11:59 pm on Tuesday 18th June to vote in the General Election on 4th July.

How to Apply

To get a postal vote for the forthcoming election, you must apply before:

  • 5 pm on Weds June 19th if you live in England, Scotland or Wales
  • 5 pm on Fri June 14th if you live in Northern Ireland

In England, Scotland or Wales, you can obtain a postal vote application form from several sources:

In Northern Ireland, people wanting to vote by post have to fill out a form and send it to the electoral office in Belfast. These forms can be found online here.

The postal vote application form requires the following details:

  • Your personal details (name, address, date of birth).
  • Your address where the postal ballot should be sent.
  • The reason for requesting a postal vote if applicable. Voters in Northern Ireland are always required to give a reason when they apply.

Make sure to fill in all sections accurately to avoid delays or rejections.

Once completed, you must return the form to your local Electoral Registration Office. This can be done by post or hand delivery. It’s important to ensure the form arrives before the deadline, which is usually 11 working days before election day. Late applications will not be accepted.

Receiving and Returning Your Postal Vote

After your application is approved, you will receive your postal voting pack, which includes:

  • a ballot paper
  • instructions on how to complete your vote
  • a postal voting statement, which you must sign and provide your date of birth.
  • a return envelope

To cast your vote:

  1. Mark your ballot paper according to the instructions.
  2. Seal your ballot paper in the envelope provided.
  3. Complete and sign the postal voting statement.
  4. Place both the sealed ballot envelope and the signed statement in the return envelope.
  5. Post your vote back as soon as possible to ensure it is received in time. It must reach the Electoral Registration Office by 10 pm on election day to be counted.

Tips for Postal Voting

  • Send your vote early to avoid postal delays and ensure your application is processed in time.
  • Double-check all details on your application and voting pack.
  • Follow the instructions carefully to ensure your vote is valid.
  • If you haven’t received your postal voting pack one week before the election, contact your local Electoral Registration Office immediately.

Be aware that if you have applied to vote by post, you cannot vote in person at a polling station. However, on election day you can return your postal vote to any polling station in your local authority area (before 10 pm) or to the Returning Officer at your local council (before they close) if you don’t want to post it or it’s too late to post it.

Closing Thoughts

The next government, whatever its political hue, will have to address a range of issues that are of great importance to older people. Prominent among these is the cost of long-term care (and who will bear it), but there are many other areas of concern, including pensions and benefits, the NHS, public transport, housing, law and order, immigration, the cost of living, national security and defence, and so on.

So it really is important to ensure that nothing prevents you casting your vote when the time comes. Registering for a postal vote is one way to ensure that ill-health, frailty or disability do not rob you of the opportunity to exercise your democratic right.

As always, if you have any comments or questions about this post, please do leave them below.

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My short break on the Isle of Man

My Short Break on the Isle of Man

I recently returned from a four-night break on the Isle of Man. It was actually the first time I had ever visited the island, so it’s fair to say I was approaching it with fresh eyes!

For this break I went on a heritage-railway-themed holiday with Newmarket Holidays – here’s a link to the package I booked. I paid a single fee, discussed in more detail below. This included four nights half board in a four-star hotel in the island capital Douglas and my flights to and from the island from Birmingham Airport. The fee I paid also covered transfers from and to Ronaldsay Airport on the IOM and various other things, which I’ll discuss shortly.

For those who don’t know, the Isle of Man is in the Irish Sea, about half way between England and Ireland. It is 32 miles long and – at its widest point – 14 miles across. It covers a total area of around 221 square miles, That makes it nearly five times bigger than Jersey, the largest of the Channel Islands. It is a self-governing British Crown dependency. You can read more about the Isle of Man in this Wikipedia article.

Here is a map of the island from Google Maps…


As mentioned I flew to the Isle of Man from Birmingham, getting a taxi to and from the airport.

I’d have to say my experience at Birmingham Airport on the outward journey was poor. A lot of building work was going on to install new luggage scanners. As a result the usual queuing areas and escalators were unavailable and passengers had to queue for ages, first to get into lifts to the departures area and then to get through security. I spent almost two hours queuing and by the time I was through it was the final call for my flight. So I then had a mad dash to get to the gate in time. Thankfully I just made it; I’m sure others weren’t as lucky.

The flights were with Scottish airline LoganAir and were actually very good. The isle of Man only attracts relatively small numbers of visitors, so they use small planes and boarding is quick and easy. I was also impressed to be offered free refreshments on both the outward and return flights (something I haven’t experienced on a holiday flight for many years). It took around 50 minutes to get from Birmingham to the IOM, so that was quick and easy too. Of course, if you don’t like flying, you also have the option of going to the island by ferry from Liverpool or Heysham.

I should mention that the return flight back to Birmingham was easy in comparison. Because it’s regarded as a domestic destination, passengers returning to the UK from the IOM don’t have to go through security or passport control. I was out of the airport no more than 15 minutes after landing.


I stayed in a four-star hotel called The Mannin in Douglas. The hotel is just off the main promenade and several other Newmarket Holidays guests were staying there as well.

The hotel room had all the amenities needed for a short stay, including a comfortable double bed, a flat-screen TV, a fridge and electric kettle, and plenty of drawer and wardrobe space. It had an en-suite bathroom with a modern power shower that worked well, with plenty of hot water.

One thing the room didn’t have was a window to the outside world. It had a window leading out to a small balcony, but this was actually within the hotel, overlooking the bar and restaurant area. You may not be surprised to hear that I didn’t use this during my stay 😏

As mentioned, I was staying half-board. Breakfasts were buffet-style and included everything you’d expect, including cooked items such as bacon, sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms and fried or poached eggs (no scrambled, though). I was pleased to discover that the evening meals included my choice of starter, main meal and dessert, with even the most expensive items such as steak at no extra cost. My one slight reservation was that, barring the soup and fish of the day, the menu was the same every night . If I had been staying any longer I might have found this a bit limited. That’s only a very small criticism, though.


As Pounds and Sense is primarily a money blog, I should say a few words about this.

I paid a total of £1,305 (including VAT) for my four-night visit. That might sound a lot, but as mentioned it included my flights to and from the island, coach transfers, and most meals, along with various other services and amenities. I stayed in a double room with single occupancy, so obviously paid a bit more than a couple would have (pro rata). And finally, I was in a premium four-star hotel. Some other guests were in three-star hotels which I guess would have been a bit cheaper. As a matter of interest, I had to choose the Mannin as it was the only option offered to me when I booked with Newmarket. I guess all the cheaper accommodation had been snapped up already!

The price I paid also included the services of a tour guide, Trevor. He was a local man (from Peel) and extremely knowledgeable about the island. He looked after us very well and even sprang into action when I couldn’t get the top off an ice-cream tub I had bought 🍦😅 Each morning we were picked up by a double-decker bus with Trevor on board. This took us to whatever destination we were visiting first that day (typically a railway station).

Also included in the cost were Isle of Man ‘Go Explore Heritage Cards’. These provided free admission to all the main tourist attractions and also covered travel on the island’s trains and buses. As a result, I actually spent very little extra money during my break – just the odd bit for refreshments during the day and any souvenirs I chose to pick up.

Things To Do

I won’t give you a blow-by-blow account of everything I did on my visit – you can see the full itinerary on the Newmarket Holidays page if you like. I will share some highlights and personal recommendations, though.

1. Douglas: The Capital

This is where I stayed. It is a vibrant, bustling place, with an attractive beach and picturesque promenade you can stroll along. In Douglas you can find the Manx Museum to delve into the island’s history. You can also enjoy a night at the Gaiety Theatre, a beautifully restored Victorian venue offering a variety of performances.

2. Castletown and Castle Rushen

Castletown is the ancient capital of the Isle of Man. Castle Rushen (photo below), one of Europe’s best-preserved medieval castles, is here with its impressive structure and exhibits detailing the island’s past. Also in Castletown you can see the Old House of Keys, the island’s original legislative centre. The trip I was on included admission to the Old House of Keys and an entertaining hour-long interactive presentation there about the island’s history. You would have to book this in advance if not travelling with an organised group.

Castle Rushen IOM

3. Peel and Peel Castle

The town of Peel is on the island’s west coast and well worth a visit. You can explore the atmospheric ruins of Peel Castle (photo below), and enjoy fresh seafood at one of the local eateries. The House of Manannan museum provides an immersive experience into the island’s Celtic, Viking, and maritime history. You could easily spend a full day here!

Peel Castle

4. The TT Mountain Course

For motorsport enthusiasts, the Isle of Man TT (Tourist Trophy) races are legendary. Even outside of race season, you can drive or cycle the 37.73-mile TT Mountain Course, taking in spectacular views and imagining the thrill of the races.

5. Laxey Wheel and Snaefell

The Great Laxey Wheel (see cover image), also known as Lady Isabella, is the largest working waterwheel in the world. If you’re brave (and fit) enough you can go up the spiral steps to a viewing platform at the top. Nearby, the Snaefell Mountain Railway takes you to the island’s highest point. On a clear day it’s said you can see seven kingdoms from here: England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man itself, and the kingdoms of Heaven (the sky) and Neptune (the sea). On a more prosaic note, at the top is a nice cafe where you can buy excellent coffee and home-made cake 🍰

6. Isle of Man Steam Railway and Manx Electric Railway

IOM Steam Railway

I was on a railway-themed holiday, so naturally this included trips on both of these. The steam railway (photo above) runs through beautiful countryside from Douglas to Port Erin at the southern tip of the island. You get some lovely views of the coast along the way.

The Manx Electric Railway (photo below) also runs from Douglas but in the opposite direction, towards Laxey and then on to Ramsey. The Manx Electric Railway has two carriages, one covered and one open to the elements (referred to colloquially as The Toast Rack!). I went on both during my stay. You get better views from the open carriage but it can be a bit chilly, so remember to wrap up well!

Manx electric railway

Quick Tips

Here are a few tips for first-time visitors to the Isle of Man based on my own experience and other information gleaned…

1. Plan for the Weather

The Isle of Man has a maritime climate, meaning weather can be unpredictable. It’s advisable to pack layers and waterproofs to stay comfortable regardless of the conditions. That being said, I was extremely lucky on my trip and enjoyed wall-to-wall sunshine.

2. Embrace the Outdoors

With its stunning landscapes, the island is perfect for outdoor activities. Walk a segment of the Raad ny Foillan (Way of the Gull) coastal path, explore glens and waterfalls, or enjoy cycling and bird-watching.

3. Sample Local Delicacies

Don’t miss out on trying Manx kippers, queenies (small scallops), and the island’s renowned ice cream. Local pubs and restaurants often feature these and other regional specialties.

4. Respect Local Traditions

The Isle of Man has a unique culture and traditions, including its own language, Manx Gaelic. You might hear locals using expressions like “Failt Erriu” (Welcome) and it’s appreciated if you can master one or two phrases like this. There are also various superstitions on the island. One of the first I discovered concerned the fairy bridge (quite near the airport). The tour guide told us we must all say “Hello, fairies” as our coach passed over this or bad luck might befall us. Needless to say, everyone complied!

5. Use Contactless Payments

Most places accept contactless payments, but it’s wise to have some cash on hand for smaller vendors and rural areas. Note that if paying by cash you may receive change in Manx notes and coins which are not generally accepted outside the Isle of Man. UK banks will usually exchange Manx banknotes but not coins, so if you get any in your change you will have to keep them as souvenirs, donate them, or hold on to them for your next visit. You can ask retailers if they have UK money available as change, but that is not guaranteed 🙂

Closing Thoughts

As you may gather I enjoyed my holiday on the Isle of Man and am happy to recommend both the island itself and the Newmarket Holidays tour I went on.

The Isle of Man is verdant and charming, with a long and interesting history. Obviously the heritage railways are a particular attraction (for me at any rate!), but so too are the castles at Peel and Castletown and the Great Wheel at Laxey (a beautiful village with a range of other tourist attractions as well). But it’s also a wonderful place to be out walking or cycling, with quiet roads (outside the TT races obviously) and a dramatic and unspoiled coastline. I would definitely like to return there before too long.

As always, if you have any comments or questions about this post, please do leave them below. Also, if you have visited the Isle of  Man yourself and have any additional tips or recommendations, I would love to hear them!

If you enjoyed this post, please link to it on your own blog or social media: