
My Investments Update January 2022

My Investments Update – January 2022

Happy New Year! I hope you had an enjoyable festive season, not marred too much by Covid and/or government restrictions.

As usual, here is my latest monthly update about my investments. You can read my December 2021 Investments Update here if you like

I’ll begin as usual with my Nutmeg Stocks and Shares ISA, as I know many of you like to hear what is happening with this.

As the screenshot below shows, my main portfolio is currently valued at £22,275. Last month it stood at £21,963, so that is a rise of £312. Obviously in these uncertain times I am very happy with that.

Nutmeg January 2022 main portfolio

Apart from my main portfolio, I also have a second, smaller pot using Nutmeg’s Smart Alpha option. This is now worth £2,837 compared with £2,795 last month, a net monthly increase of £42. Again that’s a good result, pro rata slightly better than my main portfolio. Here is a screen capture showing performance over the last year.

Nutmeg January 2022 Smart Alpha

You can read my full Nutmeg review here (including a special offer at the end for PAS readers). If you are still looking for a home for your 2021/22 ISA allowance, based on my experience they are certainly worth considering.

If you haven’t yet seen it, check out also my blog post in which I looked at the performance of Nutmeg fully managed portfolios at every risk level from 1 to 10 (my main port is level 9). I was actually pretty amazed by the difference the risk level you choose makes. If you are investing for the long term (and you almost certainly should be) opting for a hyper-cautious low-risk strategy actually may not be the smartest thing to do.

As regular readers will know, this year I am using Assetz Exchange for my IFISA. This is a P2P property investment platform that focuses on lower-risk properties (e.g. sheltered housing on long leases). I put an initial £100 into this in mid-February 2021 and another £400 in April. Everything went well, so in June 2021 I added another £500, bringing my total investment on the platform up to £1,000.

Since I opened my account, my portfolio has generated £32.40 in revenue from rental and £59.98 in capital growth, for a total return of £92.38. Here is my current statement:

Assetz Exchange Jan 22

To control risk with all my property crowdfunding investments nowadays, I am investing relatively modest amounts in individual projects. I don’t therefore put more than around £150 into any one project. As you can see, I have a well-diversified portfolio with Assetz Exchange comprising 21 different projects. This is a particular attraction of AE in my view. You can actually invest from as little as 80p per property if you really want to proceed cautiously.

As a matter of interest, I have also included a capture of my Assetz Exchange dashboard below. As you will see, this shows an average AER (Annual Equivalent Rate) yield of 5.38%. That is better than I could have got in interest from almost any savings account at the moment and doesn’t include capital growth either. Of course, money in Assetz Exchange is not protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), which covers all deposits with registered UK banks and building societies up to £85,000.

Assetz Exchange dashboard

My investment on Assetz Exchange is in the form of an IFISA so there won’t be any tax to pay on profits, dividends or capital gains. I’ve been impressed by my experiences with Assetz Exchange and the returns generated so far, and intend to continue investing with them. You can read my full review of Assetz Exchange here if you like. You can also sign up for an account on Assetz Exchange directly via this link [affiliate].

Another property platform I have investments with is Kuflink. They have been doing well recently, with new projects launching almost every day. I currently have just over £2,000 invested with them, quite a large proportion of which comes from reinvested profits. To date I have never lost any money with Kuflink, though some loan terms have been extended once or twice. On the plus side, when this happens additional interest is paid for the period in question.

My loans with Kuflink pay annual interest rates of 6 to 7.5 percent. As mentioned above, these days I invest no more than around £150 per loan (and often less). That is not because of any issues with Kuflink but more to do with losses of larger amounts on other P2P property platforms (such as this one). My days of putting four-figure sums into any single property investment are behind me now!

  • Nowadays I mainly opt to reinvest the monthly repayments I receive from Kuflink, which has the effect of boosting the percentage rate of return on the projects in question

You can read my full Kuflink review here. They offer a variety of investment options, including a tax-free IFISA paying up to 7% interest per year with built-in automatic diversification. Alternatively you can now build your own IFISA, with most loans on the platform being IFISA-eligible.

I’d also particularly draw your attention to their revised and more generous cashback offer for new investors [affiliate link]. They are now paying cashback on new investments from as little as £500 (it used to be £1,000). And if you are looking to invest larger amounts, you can earn up to a maximum of £4,000 in cashback. That is one of the best cashback offers I have seen anywhere (though admittedly you will need to invest £100,000 or more to receive that!).

  • I have also been investigating another P2P property investment platform called BLEND recently. Like Kuflink, they offer the opportunity to invest in secured loans to experienced property developers. They offer (on average) somewhat higher rates of return than Kuflink, though arguably with a bit more risk. Watch out for my in-depth blog post about them soon. You can also check out what they have to offer on their website [affiliate link].

Moving on, I have another article on the always-excellent Mouthy Money website. This is about how to save money on your water bills. I enjoyed researching this and some of the things I found out were quite eye-opening 🙂

That’s all for now, so please stay safe and warm in these challenging times. And as I said last time, don’t let scare stories in the mainstream media freak you out. It is now increasingly apparent that while the Omicron variant is more transmissible, it also tends to produce less severe illness. I am increasingly optimistic that as 2022 continues the virus will loom less large in our lives. But Covid will be with us forever, so we really do need to learn to live with it and start getting back to normal now.

As ever, if you have any questions or comments about this post, please do leave them below.

Disclaimer: I am not a qualified financial adviser and nothing in this blog post should be construed as personal financial advice. Everyone should do their own ‘due diligence’ before investing and seek professional advice if in any doubt how best to proceed. All investing carries a risk of loss.

Note also that this post includes affiliate links (disclosed). If you click through and perform a qualifying transaction, I may receive a commission for introducing you. This will not affect the product or service you receive or the terms you are offered.

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Review: Grandpa's Fortune Fables

Review: Grandpa’s Fortune Fables

Today I am reviewing a children’s book called Grandpa’s Fortune Fables. An ebook copy of this was kindly sent to me by the author, Will Rainey.

Grandpa’s Fortune Fables contains a series of short stories, each following from the last. The central character is a 13-year-old girl called Gail. Over the course of the book she shares a number of lessons she has learned from her Grandpa about money with a boy named Boris (no relation to our PM, I’m sure!).

Boris starts off by bullying Gail, whom he calls a ‘dork’, but she stands up to him and in time they become friends. Gail shares her Grandpa Jack’s money-saving and money-making advice with Boris. He is eager to learn, as his family have always been bad with money.

We learn that Gail’s Grandpa travelled  to a (mythical) far-away island, where he learned how to look after his money and became a very wealthy man. Gail has been following his advice and even at her young age is now quite wealthy herself.

Each chapter is essentially a fable illustrating one particular lesson Gail learned from her Grandpa. So one concerns the dangers of Get Rich Quick schemes, another the importance of saving and reinvesting your money, and so on. There are also chapters on the subject of paying tax (‘The Money BIrds’) and the value of donating some of your money to charity.

At the core of Grandpa’s Fortune Fables are three key principles. I hope Will won’t mind if I reproduce them below:

1. Keep one out of every ten seeds you receive
2. Plant the seeds you keep
3. Let your trees GROW

As you may gather, the fables in the book all derive ultimately from the application of these three principles.

Grandpa’s Fortune Fables is designed to teach children about saving, investing and entrepreneurship in an entertaining but informative way (and parents/grandparents may learn some useful lessons too). The stories are all very much of the here and now – even the pandemic and lockdowns get a brief mention (to illustrate how unforeseen events can impact upon specific investments). It’s all very cleverly written, with some charming cartoon-style illustrations as well (see example below).

In my view Grandpa’s Fortune Fables would make a great Christmas/birthday gift for any child aged around 8 to 12 (it could also work for younger and older children). I like how each chapter ends with questions to provoke further thought and discussion. In addition, by correctly answering the multiple-choice questions in each chapter, a letter is revealed. If the child gets all the letters right, they spell out a message which can win them a prize. This is a great idea and a good incentive for reading every chapter (not that such an incentive would likely be needed).

Grandpa’s Fortune Fables is available in print or e-book versions from Amazon (just click on any of the links in this review), or you can order it from any good bookshop. At the time of writing the price is £9.99 for the print version or £3.99 for the e-book. I note that this title is currently number one on Amazon’s best-seller list for children’s books about money and saving, which doesn’t surprise me at all.

Thanks again to Will Rainey for sending me a review copy of his excellent book. If you have any comments or questions – for me or for Will – please do post them below.

Disclosure: As mentioned above, I received a free ebook version of Grandpa’s Fortune Fables for review purposes. In addition, this review includes Amazon affiliate links. If you click through to Amazon and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission for introducing you. This will not affect the price you pay or the product/service you receive.

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My Investments Update December 2021

My Investments Update – December 2021

As regular readers will know, I recently started posting monthly updates about my investments. These partly replace the ‘Coronavirus Crisis Updates’ I was posting from March 2020. You can read my November 2021 Investments Update here if you like

I’ll begin as usual with my Nutmeg Stocks and Shares ISA, as I know many of you like to hear what is happening with this.

As the screenshot below shows, my main portfolio is currently valued at £21,963. Last month it stood at £21,940, so that is a modest rise of £23. Those figures don’t tell the whole story, though. In the early part of November, the value of this portfolio rose as high as £22,398. Unfortunately then news of the new Omicron variant spooked the markets and share prices fell dramatically. In the last few days there has been a modest recovery, resulting in the small month-on-month gain referred to above.

Nutmeg Main Portfolio Dec 2021

Apart from my main portfolio, I also have a second, smaller pot using Nutmeg’s Smart Alpha option. This has followed a similar trajectory, though it has actually done a bit better than my main pot. It is now worth £2,795 compared with £2,756 last month, a net monthly increase of £39. Here is a year-to-date screen capture showing performance to the start of December 2021.

Nutmag Smart Alpha pot Dec 2021

As I always say, you shouldn’t judge the performance of any equity-based investment on a month-by-month basis. But in these strange times I remain very happy with how my Nutmeg investments are doing. Hopefully the initial panic over Omicron may prove to have been excessive (it may help that there is growing evidence that this new variant typically causes only a mild illness). That being the case, I remain optimistic that the modest recovery in the markets over the last few days will continue.

You can read my full Nutmeg review here (including a special offer at the end for PAS readers). If you are still looking for a home for your 2021/22 ISA allowance, based on my experience they are certainly worth considering. If you haven’t yet seen it, check out also my blog post in which I looked at the performance of Nutmeg fully managed portfolios at every risk level from 1 to 10 (my main port is level 9). I was actually pretty amazed by the difference the risk level you choose makes. If you are investing for the long term (and you almost certainly should) in my view opting for a hyper-cautious low-risk strategy may not be the smartest thing to do.

As regular readers will know, this year I am using Assetz Exchange for my IFISA. This is a P2P property investment platform that focuses on lower-risk properties (e.g. sheltered housing on long leases). I have invested a total of around £1,000 in AE so far (I began with £100 in February 2021 and topped up twice).

Since I opened my account, my portfolio has generated £29.50 in revenue from rental and £45.86 in capital growth, for a total return of £75.36. I won’t bother publishing a statement on this occasion as it’s not massively different from last time. The bottom line is that I (still) have investments in 21 different projects with them and all are performing as expected, generating income and in most cases showing a profit on capital. So I am very happy with how this investment has been going.

  • To control risk with all my property crowdfunding investments nowadays, I invest relatively modest amounts in individual projects. This is a particular attraction of AE as far as i am concerned. You can actually invest from as little as 80p per property if you really want to proceed cautiously.

As mentioned, my investment on Assetz Exchange is in the form of an IFISA so there won’t be any tax to pay on profits, dividends or capital gains. I’ve been impressed by my experiences with Assetz Exchange and the returns generated so far, and intend to continue investing with them. You can read my full review of Assetz Exchange here if you like. You can also sign up for an account on Assetz Exchange directly via this link [affiliate].

Another property platform I have some investments with is Kuflink [referral link]. They appear to be doing well, with new projects launching almost every day. I currently have just over £2,000 invested with them, quite a large proportion of which comes from reinvested profits. To date I have never lost any money with Kuflink, though some loan terms have been extended once or twice. On the plus side, where this happens additional interest is paid for the period in question.

My loans with Kuflink pay annual interest rates of 6 to 7.5 percent. As mentioned above, these days I invest no more than around £100 per loan (and often less). That is not because of any issues with Kuflink but more to do with losses of larger amounts on other P2P property platforms (such as this one). My days of putting four-figure sums into any single property investment are behind me now!

Nowadays I mainly opt to reinvest the monthly repayments I receive from Kuflink, which has the effect of boosting the percentage rate of return on the projects in question

You can read my full Kuflink review here. They offer a variety of investment options, including a tax-free IFISA paying up to 7% interest per year with built-in automatic diversification. Alternatively you can now build your own IFISA, with most loans on the platform being IFISA-eligible.

I’d also particularly draw your attention to their revised and more generous cashback offer for new investors. They are now paying cashback on new investments from as little as £500 (it used to be £1,000). And if you are looking to invest larger amounts, you can earn up to a maximum of £4,000 in cashback. That is one of the best cashback offers I have seen anywhere (though admittedly you will need to invest £100,000 or more to receive that!).

Kuflink has some similarities with Assetz Exchange (see above). However, it’s important to note that with Kuflink you are investing in loans secured by property, whereas with Assetz Exchange your money is going into actual bricks and mortar. Kuflink loans typically pay around 7% annual interest. With Assetz Exchange projected yields from rental are generally a bit lower at around 5%, but you do of course have the potential for capital appreciation as well. There is also an argument that investments on AE are more secure as properties are typically rented out to organizations such as housing associations which are publicly funded. But I should emphasize that over the years I have been investing with Kuflink I have never lost any money with them and I understand nobody else has either. That is of course no guarantee it couldn’t happen in the future, but personally I find it quite reassuring.

I haven’t mentioned my trial investment on European loan crowdfunding platform Nibble for a while, so thought I should remedy that this month. This has been proceeding without any issues. My initial test investment of 20 euros matured in September so I reinvested the entire sum at the same annual interest rate of 9.7 percent (see screen capture below).

Nibble Dec 21

I get weekly updates from Nibble confirming how much interest has been added to my account. Money has been a bit tight recently so I haven’t topped up my initial investment. Once I start getting my state pension (see below), however, I should have more available to invest, and Nibble is definitely on my list. My full review of Nibble can be found here.

Moving on, I have another article on the always-excellent Mouthy Money website. This is about how to save money on your motoring costs. I enjoyed researching this and learned some new and surprising things while doing so!

I’d also like to remind you that I am participating in not one but two pre-Christmas giveaways. One of these offers the chance to win a Hotel Chocolat Velvetiser kit worth around £150 in total. And the other giveaway has an amazing prize of cash and goods from homeware brand Arca valued at over £1,000 in total. Do check them both out (if you haven’t already) and get your entries in. It would be great if a Pounds and Sense reader were to win one (or both) of these great prizes 🙂

Finally, as I mentioned in this blog post, December 2021 marks a landmark for me, as I shall reach my 66th birthday and qualify for the new state pension. I am due to get my first payment on Christmas Eve. Tempting though it is, I probably won’t be blowing it all on a big party! 🎈🎈🎈

That’s all for now, so please stay safe (and warm) in these challenging times. And please don’t let scare stories in the mainstream media freak you out. At the time of writing hospitalizations and deaths from Covid in the UK have actually been falling steadily for weeks. So despite what the fear-mongers would have you believe, it really isn’t all bad news!

Have a lovely Christmas, enjoy socializing with friends and family, and I’ll be back again with another investments update at the start of 2022.

As always, if you have any comments or questions about this post, please do leave them below.

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The UK's Top Subscription Boxes

Guest Feature: The UK’s Top Subscription Boxes!

Today I have a sponsored guest post for you on behalf of Top Subscription Boxes. On their website they advertise a huge range of subscription box services.

With these services, you receive a new and exciting product (or selection of products) every month. You can subscribe for as long or as short as you want (subject to minimum subscriptions). And as you will see, there is something to suit every taste and budget!


Whether you want to send someone special a gift they will really enjoy or just treat yourself (you deserve it!), the subscription box services listed below could provide the perfect solution. We tried all of these ourselves before bringing the very best together in one place.

So without further ado, let’s get started!


Whenever it comes to beauty and make-up subscription boxes. Glossybox always takes the top spot. Glossybox allows you to treat yourself with a perfect combination of deluxe and full-sized beauty product samples from top brands.

Each month they send you a great-value box loaded with the latest make-up products, tools and beauty creams – and it will only cost you £13.25 per month.

In their previous boxes they have featured well-known brands like La Mer, Nars, pedigree French brands such as La Roche Posay, and impressive budget make-up from the likes of Rimmel.

Beer Bods

Beer Bods is known as the UK’s #1 craft beer subscription service. They send you a box of 8 beers every two months. So basically you receive one beer a week, along with the story behind that beer. All subscribers receive the same beer at one time, and you can join in a live online tasting every Thursday at 9 pm. So you can enjoy a new beer with new friends every week and compare notes with them. The bi-monthly subscription will cost you £24.

Arena Flowers

Nothing can be better than seeing fresh flowers in the morning. They make you feel calm and give your day the perfect start.

Arena Flowers is a leading ethical floristry service. They deliver exciting bouquets through their monthly subscription service.

They’ve been sending out their beautiful bouquets for the last 14 years and have achieved the milestone of 10 million deliveries. Every bouquet you receive is hand-tied and arranged by one of their expert florists to create a unique bouquet just for you. You can subscribe by paying just £17 a week.

Gadget Discovery Club

The Gadget Discovery Club allows you to treat yourself or your loved ones by sending them subscription boxes containing 4 innovative gadgets they didn’t know they needed!

They say that every gadget they’ll deliver to your doorstep will help you to upgrade your home, entertainment or lifestyle. The subscription box contains everything from tech wearables to smart home devices, including Samsung/Philips kits and Google home speakers.

You just need to sign up and select your preferences so they can send you the latest exciting gadgets based on your profile. They offer a monthly subscription or you can also choose a yearly plan. The monthly option will cost you £33 per month.

BakedIn Baking Club

The BakedIn Baking Club is a baking subscription service that delivers a different recipe each month straight to your door. Once you’ve subscribed to this service, you will receive a beautiful baking box with a step-by-step recipe guide, along with all the dry ingredients you need and some extras too.

BakedIn allows you to make your favourite muffins, biscuits, cakes and cookies, to share with your family and friends. If you are one of those people who loves baking, then this is the subscription box service for you. The price is £7.50 a month.

Good luck, and we hope you find the perfect subscription box service for you or your loved ones!


Thank you to my friends at Top Subscription Boxes for some eye-opening suggestions. I would definitely like to try some of these services myself! They would also, of course, make excellent Christmas or birthday presents. Please do click through to their website and check out the other subscription box services as well!

As always, if you have any comments or questions, please do post them below.

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A Christmas Gift Guide for Older People

A Christmas Gift Guide for Older People

Christmas is barely six weeks away, and it’s a safe bet more of us than ever will be shopping online this year.

Pounds and Sense is aimed at the over-50s, so today I thought I’d set out a selection of products you can buy online suitable for people in this age category. Though in my view most would be very well received by younger people too 🙂

Quite a few of these are things I’ve received for free this year as an Amazon Vine reviewer. Others are simply products that I’ve bought for myself – or friends or relatives – and am very happy to recommend to others.

  • Please note that I am using some affiliate links in this article, so if you click through and make a purchase, I may receive a commission for introducing you. Of course, this will not affect the price you pay or the product you receive.

(1) Music Hat

Music hat

My first thought when I received this unisex beanie hat to review for Amazon Vine was that it was just a novelty product – but it turned out to be a lot better than I anticipated!

The hat itself is made of stretchable acrylic and is warm and comfortable. It’s available in a range of colours to suit all tastes. And in addition to keeping your head warm in the winter, it boasts an LED light at the front and built-in Bluetooth earphones.

The LED light has three brightness settings, with the brightest illuminating the area in front of you quite impressively. I’ve found this useful for putting the bins out at night and (on a lower setting) to ensure I can be seen when walking at night along poorly lit roads and pavements.

The stereo headphones are surprisingly good quality. Obviously you wouldn’t expect super high fidelity, but for listening to music or podcasts on the go, they are more than adequate. Setting up a Bluetooth connection with my Android smartphone was easy, and I’ve been enjoying listening to my choice of music on my daily walks. In theory you can also use the hat for making and receiving phone calls, though I haven’t tried that myself. Even if you only use it for listening to music, though, it’s still a very nice piece of kit. And for around £20 at the time of writing, this unisex beanie hat won’t break the bank either!

I also got this two-light beanie hat (without built-in earphones) for my sister Annie. At this time of year she has to walk home in the dark from her job at a prison, and she goes running in the evening sometimes as well. Annie sent me the following mini-review: ‘That fluorescent hat is actually really good! Very bright front and back light. Great for being seen by others so makes you feel safe at dusk (I don’t run in the dark nowadays so much). Nice snug fit especially round the ears and easy to put the lights on (front and back) even when it’s on your head! Have had lots of positive comments. Definitely recommended!’

Running Hat

(2) Fruit Wines

Clives Wines

I am not much of a drinker these days, but I will always make an exception for these delicious fruit wines, especially at Christmas!

Clive’s Wines is a small, family-run company based barely a mile from where I live. They offer a range of high-quality fruit wines, including damson, cherry, raspberry, strawberry, elderflower, plum and (my personal favourite) gooseberry. For special occasions they also offer a premium sparkling ‘Rhubling’ made with rhubarb.

You can order individual bottles and gift packs online for delivery anywhere in the mainland UK and Europe, with free delivery for orders of over £60 in the UK. If you are looking for an unusual gift that will also support a small local business, I can promise that you (and the lucky recipient) won’t be disappointed 🙂

  • You do, of course, have to be over 18 to order any product containing alcohol.

(3) Hand Warmer and Power Bank


I have two of these devices now (the first came my way as an Amazon Vine reviewer). As you may gather, they are dual-purpose devices, serving both as a hand-warmer and a power bank for charging your phone or tablet.

The product pictured above is the OCOOPA Rechargeable Handwarmer and Power Bank. This has a powerful 10,000 mAh battery and doesn’t therefore need frequent recharging. You can have three levels of heat (though I find the lowest is more than sufficient for me). It only takes a few hours to charge fully and can charge up my Android phone in under an hour.

Currently I am using this device more as a power bank than as a hand warmer, but that may change if and when sub-zero winter weather conditions arrive. For under £30. it would make a nice, practical gift for any older person (especially if they suffer from cold hands!).

(4) Amazon Echo

Echo Show

Unless you’ve been on Mars for the last few years, I’m sure you’ve heard of these devices. There is a growing family now. The picture above is of an Echo Show, which also has a visual display. I have one of these in my kitchen and use it all the time. I also have an Echo Dot in the bedroom, a standard Echo in the living room, and a tiny Echo Flex in my office. And I’m still thinking of getting more!

I use my Echo devices primarily for listening to music and radio. But I also regularly use them for checking the weather forecast, getting news updates (‘Alexa, read my flash briefing’), asking random questions (‘Alexa, how far is the Earth from the Moon?’), checking the time, setting alarms and timers, finding out what’s on TV, and much more. Alexa has become part of my life now, and I have to admit I actually miss her when I am away. How sad is that? 😀

In my view an Amazon Echo device would make a great gift for any older person, even if they aren’t at all tech-savvy (though they do of course need wifi to work). Once the device has been set up – which is easy enough – you can control it entirely using your voice, just using the ‘wake word’ (Alexa by default, though you can change it if you like) to activate it.

For an older person living alone especially, having an Amazon Echo device can provide companionship as well as reassurance in the event of an emergency (you can ask Alexa to call any of your contacts for you, though currently you can’t get it to phone 999). And an Echo is a present that will go on giving through Christmas and well beyond. Highly recommended.

  • Amazon often have some great offers on Echo/Alexa devices in their Black Friday sale.

(5) Christmas Hampers

Traditional Treats Hamper

This is quite a traditional Christmas gift, but none the worse for that. I have been sending Christmas hampers to various elderly relatives for many years, and they are always well received. The hampers include a selection of luxury food and drink that people on a limited budget wouldn’t typically buy for themselves. I often get quite in-depth feedback about what they liked or disliked about this year’s hamper and whether it was better or worse than last year’s!

There are various suppliers you can order hampers online from (Marks and Spencer have a good selection, for example). But these days I normally order from Amazon. They have a vast range from a variety of merchants, and you can easily search for the type of hamper you want (including by price, with/without alcohol, vegan/vegetarian, and so on).

Amazon also sell hampers aimed specifically at older people, such as the Traditional Treats Hamper (from Clearwater Hampers) pictured above. This costs £49 at the time of writing and includes luxury chocolates, a tin of afternoon tea, hand-baked lemon biscuits, rhubarb and custard sweets, almond biscuit thins, clotted cream fudge, and more. Guaranteed to put a smile on the face of any grandparent 😀

Of course, there are lots of other options as well, for younger folk as well as older ones. Prices range from around £20 to £200 or more if you really want to push the boat out!

(6) Red Letter Days Vouchers

Red Letter Days Afternoon Teas

Red Letter Days sell gift vouchers for a huge range of experience days, for single people or for couples.

Among other things, they include luxury spa days, hotel mini-breaks, afternoon tea (see picture above), driving experiences (e.g. supercar driving, go karting, truck driving), sky diving, hot air ballooning, river cruises, visits to historic houses/gardens, restaurant meals, and many more. Some will obviously appeal more to younger folk, but there are plenty that are equally suitable for all ages (and plenty of older people still enjoy a bit of thrill-seeking as well!).

In the last 18 months many of us have have spent months on end cooped up in our homes. So the chances are your friends or relatives will really appreciate the chance to enjoy an exciting (or relaxing) experience day such as these.

(7) Salter Electronic Scales

Salter Aquatronic ScalesFinally, here’s a great, inexpensive gift for anyone who enjoys cooking.

I was lucky enough to get these Salter Aquatronic digital kitchen scales as an Amazon Vine reviewer, and have been using them regularly ever since.

No bowl is provided with these scales, but because of the way they work you don’t need one. You can place any container you like on the scales and press the button to zero the display (so the scales disregard the container’s weight). You can then add your ingredient and the weight (or liquid volume if you prefer) will be shown. If you want to add more ingredients, you can zero the display again before doing so. Once you get the hang of this, it’s amazingly quick and simple. I use it all the time now, and even weighed a parcel on it recently 😀 I also like the way it hardly takes up any space at all in my kitchen when stored on its side.

So there you are – seven great ideas for Christmas gifts you can buy online that any older person would be delighted to receive (and a lot more exciting than slippers or socks!). As always, if you have any comments or questions about this post, please do leave them below.

Note: this is a fully updated version of an annual post.

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Top Ten Personal Finance Podcasts

Top 10 Personal Finance Podcasts (Infographic)

Today I am sharing some information about personal finance podcasts. This is not a subject I previously knew very much about, so I am grateful to my friends at All Finance Tax for supplying the excellent infographic and some of the other info below.

What is a Podcast?

A podcast is like a series of radio programmes on a particular theme or topic, from politics to cycling. You can subscribe for free using a suitable app on your smartphone (or other internet-enabled device). You can then listen whenever and wherever you like, via headphones, earphones, through speakers, in the car, on the train, and so on.

Podcasts are a booming medium and one of the major trends of the last five years. There are now podcast shows on nearly every topic you can think of. And with the rise of both independent and conglomerate podcast production studios, it seems likely this new medium will be in our lives for many years to come.

In the same way people were once passionate about certain radio shows, podcasts have the same dedicated followings, thanks to hosts who become familiar audio friends. Some even run live events. As a medium, podcasts are incredibly accessible, with few barriers beyond an internet connection and a smartphone or other device that can stream audio. No matter where you are or what you’re doing, podcasts offer content that educates, inspires and entertains. If you have never listened to a podcast before, the BBC Sounds podcasts page is one good place to start.

How to Listen to a Podcast

The easiest way to find and listen to podcasts is by using an app on your smartphone.

If you have an iPhone, it will have a built-in app called Apple Podcasts. This works very well and allows you to search for and subscribe to any of a huge range of podcasts. All you have to do then is open the app any time you want to listen and choose the episode you require.

Android owners can use the free Google Podcasts app. You can download this from the Google Play Store if you don’t have it already. It is not as user-friendly as the Apple app and doesn’t have as many features, but will certainly get you started. There are also other free or inexpensive apps you can download from Google Play such as the highly-rated Pocket Casts or Castbox.FM.

Finance Podcasts

One genre with a surprisingly large, dedicated listenership is finance. While to some that might sound a dry, unpromising subject, the podcast medium has enabled content to be reinvented with an unexpected, creative approach.

With hosts ranging from seasoned finance professionals to novice FIRE (financial independence) enthusiasts, podcasts allow people who would never previously have been interested in finance – or perhaps even have been intimidated by the topic – to access valuable information presented in an engaging, inclusive way.

All Finance Tax rounds up the top finance podcasts in the infographic guide below. Find out about the must-listen shows, including podcasts about:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Billionaire case studies
  • Female-led finance
  • Personal and couples’ finance
  • Start-ups
  • And more!

With snapshots of real reviews plus the best episodes to start with, this resource will help you find the right show for your personal interests and needs regardless of your outlook on finance. Read on for the full list of finance podcasts to start your listening journey!

10 Top Personal Finance Podcasts Infographic

Many thanks again to my friends at All Finance Tax for their help with this article. I have listed below all the podcasts recommended in the infographic, with links to their homepages (or another website) where you can find out more. You can also listen to the podcasts on the web via these pages, though using an app on your smartphone (as discussed earlier) may be more convenient generally.

Couple Money Podcast

Money for the Rest of Us

So Money with Farnoosh

The Fairer Cents

The Tim Ferriss Show

The Ramsey Show

The Mad Fientist

The Investor’s Podcast

The Creative Rebels (Podchaser page)

Planet Money

One more I would add is the Ask Martin Lewis podcast from BBC Radio Five Live. Martin is, of course, a well-known personal finance guru (and founder of the hugely popular MoneySavingExpert website). Although I can take or leave his TV shows, his podcasts are less gimmicky and include valuable, accessible advice on all aspects of personal finance (not including investing).

As always, if you have any comments or questions about this post, please do leave them below. I’d also love to hear about any personal finance podcasts not mentioned above which you enjoy and recommend!

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Do You Need Life Insurance?

Do You Need Life Insurance?

Nobody would pretend life insurance is an exciting subject, but in these uncertain times it’s something we all need to think about at least. So in this post I thought I’d set out the basics regarding life insurance and why you might need it.

What Is Life Insurance?

Life insurance is a type of insurance policy that protects your loved ones financially if you die. It can help minimize the financial impact that your death could have on your family and provide peace of mind for you and them.

Most life insurance policies are designed to pay a cash sum to your loved ones if you die while covered by the policy. This can help them cope with everyday money worries such as mortgage payments, household bills and childcare costs. It may also cover funeral costs. You can take out life insurance under joint or single names, and you can pay your premiums monthly or annually.

There are two main types of life insurance: term life insurance and whole of life insurance.

Term life insurance policies run for a fixed period such as 10, 20 or 25 years. These types of policy only pay out if you die during the term of the policy. A whole-of-life insurance policy, on the other hand, pays out no matter when you die (as long as you keep up with your premium payments, of course).

There are three different types of term life insurance. With decreasing term insurance, the amount payable on death reduces over time. This type of policy is often taken out in conjunction with a mortgage as the payout reduces over time in line with the amount needed to clear the outstanding debt.

You can also get increasing term insurance, where the payout rises each year (typically to take account of inflation) and level term insurance, where it remains the same throughout. Not surprisingly, level term and (especially) increasing term policies are more expensive than decreasing term.

Over 50s Life Insurance

This type of whole-of-life insurance may be of particular interest to Pounds and Sense readers (PAS is particularly targeted at over 50s).

It allows you to leave a guaranteed fixed lump sum to your loved ones when you’re no longer around. To apply, you need to be aged 50 to 80 (85 in some cases) and a UK resident. No medical is normally required, and your monthly premium (which can be as low as £7) won’t change for as long as you live. In most cases cover for accidental death applies immediately, but for death from other causes there may be a waiting period (typically a year). This type of insurance is not normally index-linked, so over time the value of the lump sum payable may be eroded by inflation.

Who Needs Life Insurance?

Life insurance is intended to protect your dependants from getting into financial difficulties if you die. So if you’re single with no dependants and/or on a very low income, it may not be necessary or appropriate for you.

But if you have a partner, children or other relatives who depend on your income, you probably should have life insurance to help provide for them in the event of your death. Many people take out life insurance when they get married or start a family, or when taking on a major financial commitment such as a mortgage.

Most financial experts recommend you take out life insurance before you reach 35, as the sooner you get cover, the cheaper your premium.

What Doesn’t Life Insurance Cover?

Life insurance normally pays out only on death. If you become unable to work due to an accident or illness, you won’t generally be covered.

Some life insurance policies will pay out if you receive a terminal diagnosis. This is by no means always the case, though, so it’s important to check the wording of your policy carefully.

Most life insurance policies also have some exclusions, e.g. they might not pay out if you die from alcohol or drug abuse. In addition, if you take part in risky sports, you may have to pay a higher premium. If you have a serious health problem when you take out a policy, any cause of death related to that illness may be excluded.

For the above reasons, you may also want to consider taking out critical illness cover. This covers you if you get one of the medical conditions or injuries specified in the policy. Some examples of critical illnesses that might be covered include heart attack, stroke, cancer, and chronic, life-limiting conditions such as multiple sclerosis and MND. Most policies will also consider permanent disabilities as a result of injury or illness. These policies only pay out once and then the policy ends. Some policies will make a smaller payment for less severe conditions, or if one of your children contracts one of the specified conditions. Health conditions you knew you had before you took out the insurance won’t generally be covered.

What Does It Cost?

Life insurance can be surprisingly good value. Premiums start at just a few pounds a month. Prices vary a lot, however, so it’s important to shop around and take advice as appropriate.

A variety of factors may affect the price you are quoted. They include the following:

  • your age
  • your health
  • your weight
  • your occupation
  • your lifestyle
  • whether you smoke
  • your medical history
  • your family’s medical history
  • the length of the policy
  • the amount of money you want to cover
  • whether you want decreasing, level or increasing term cover

As mentioned above – and other things being equal – the younger you are, the cheaper your policy is likely to be. But as the list above indicates, many other factors can affect the price you are quoted. In addition, women are typically charged a little less than men, as on average they live a few years longer.

The Get Life Cover Option

As you can see, while life insurance is a simple concept, in practice there are many variations. It’s therefore important to establish what is the most appropriate choice for you and your family, and shop around to get the best price for this.

A company that can help with both these things is Get Life Cover. They will put you in touch with an independent financial adviser in your local area, not some anonymous call centre. The adviser will take the time to establish your exact requirements and recommend a bespoke policy tailored to your (and your family’s) needs. They will be able to arrange all types of life insurance, critical illness cover, cover for long-term illness or disability, and so on. Being independent they will also be able to select from the whole of the market. They are not tied to one insurance company, ensuring you get the best possible value for money.

If you wish, Get Life Cover’s independent advisers can also assist you with other financial matters, including investments, pensions, mortgages, tax, and so on.

To get an initial personalized quote, click through to the Get Life Cover website and provide a few basic details to get a quick quote in 30 seconds, without obligation. You can then discuss this with a local adviser to ensure you get exactly the right type and level of cover for your needs.

As always, if you have any comments or questions on this post, please do leave them below.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post on behalf of Get Life Cover. If you click through one of the links and end up making a purchase, i will receive a commission for introducing you. This will not affect in any way the product or service you receive.

Get Life Cover

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My Short Break in Llanbedrog

My Short Break in Llanbedrog

I recently returned from a three-day break in Llanbedrog. This is a village on the Llyn (or Lleyn) Peninsula in NW Wales. It was the first time I had been to Llanbedrog, although I have holidayed in North Wales quite often.

This was also the first time I had stayed at an Airbnb property. I did try last year but was scuppered by the pandemic, so had a refund voucher I needed to use up. The place I stayed was a room/apartment attached to a private house, but self-contained with its own front door. I’ll say more about it below.

Llanbedrog itself is by the coast, roughly half way between Pwllheli (famed for its Butlins camp, now run by Haven Holidays) and trendy Abersoch. Here is a map of the area from Google Maps.


As mentioned, I stayed at an Airbnb property in Llanbedrog. Under Airbnb’s rules I’m not supposed to reveal exactly where it was, but the location was certainly convenient. It was about 100 yards from the main road and 150 from one of the two local pubs. The beach was around ten minutes’ walk away.

You can read more about the place I stayed on this page of the Airbnb website (you can also read my post about booking a holiday with Airbnb here). It consisted of a large bedroom-cum-sitting room, along with a bathroom with excellent walk-in shower. There was also a kitchenette area with a toaster, fridge, sink, coffee-making machine and so on, but no actual cooking facilities (there wouldn’t have been room for them). For a short stay that wasn’t a problem, though. On two nights my Airbnb host, Jem, kindly cooked main meals for me for a modest extra fee. And on the other night I went to the local pub, which was very good as well 🙂

My room had a stunning view across the hosts’ beautiful garden with the sea in the background (see photo below). Another thing I enjoyed was that the garden was home to a colony of wild rabbits. They looked very cute and provided an entertaining all-day cabaret!


The apartment had free wifi which worked perfectly during my stay (not always the case in my experience). The location was quiet and peaceful, and I slept very well.


As Pounds and Sense is primarily a money blog, I should say a few words about this.

I paid a total of £344.98 for my three-night stay. This was made up as follows:

  • £91.67 x 3 nights = £275
  • Cleaning fee £20
  • Service Fee (which goes to Airbnb) £49.98

I was charged an initial deposit of £112.50, with the balance taken from my card a fortnight before my visit. As mentioned, some of the cost was covered by a refund from a booking I made with Airbnb in 2020 which had to be cancelled.

So the total price worked out to £115 a day. Obviously that’s not cheap, but prices across the board have risen due to Covid and the additional cleaning and other precautions property owners have to take. I thought it was very reasonable bearing in mind the high standard of the accommodation and the convenience of the location.

Things to Do

I won’t give you a blow-by-blow account of what I did while I was there, but here are a few highlights.

Plas yn Rhiw

This National Trust property is about 7 miles from Llanbedrog. It’s pretty remote, and I was glad to have my satnav to guide me. At one point I drove through a tiny hamlet and some children waved at me as I passed. That was a first for me!

Plas yn Rhiw is a 16th century manor house (with Georgian additions) overlooking the sea. Unfortunately due to Covid only the ground floor was open to visitors. This was basically three rooms, all roped off so you had to look at them from a distance. As you may imagine, it didn’t take me very long to go round. I did though have a nice chat with the National Trust lady who was in the kitchen. She told me about the paraffin cooking range from the 1950s (see photo below). There must have been quite a smell in the house when this was going!


The house also has some beautiful formal gardens (see photo below). And, naturally, there is a tea room. I enjoyed an excellent cappuccino with a jam and cream scone here. As I chose to sit inside (it was raining a bit at this point) I had to complete a Covid tracking form. That was no great hardship, of course.


Overall I enjoyed my visit to Play yn Rhiw even though the restrictions were frustrating. I would like to go back there again when things are more normal and see the rest of the house.

Oriel Plas Glyn y Weddw

This gothic-styled mansion built in 1857 is in Llanbedrog and was five minutes walk from where I was staying.

Nowadays the building is used as an art gallery and museum. It also has an excellent cafe attached which I visited twice during my stay. It’s free to enter and certainly worth a visit if you are staying in the Llanbedrog area. The gallery hosts a permanent collection of Welsh porcelain (said to be among the finest in Wales) along with exhibitions of works by local artists.

Oriel Plas Glyn y Weddw also has some beautiful gardens and an outdoor theatre, which had some shows advertised for later in the year (though not during my visit). In the grounds there is also this carriage from the horse-drawn tramway which used to run from Pwllheli to Llanbedrog. Apparently this was a popular tourist attraction until the track was damaged by a heavy storm in the 1930s and subsequently abandoned.


Llanbedrog Beach

As mentioned, the beach (see cover photo) was about ten minutes’ walk from my apartment. It was sandy and quiet, and offered a perfect place for children to play. The beach huts were well maintained and picturesque. There was also a beach bar serving drinks and snacks all day (though not in the evening). I didn’t go here in the end as it was quite small and I felt a bit awkward about taking up a table on my own when families were queuing up. I did hear good reports about it, though, and it was certainly a lovely location (see photo).


Final Thoughts

As you may gather, I enjoyed my short break in Llanbedrog, and am happy to recommend both the town and the accommodation where I stayed for a short break. Llanbedrog is a lovely place to relax and chill out, and with its beautiful beach could also be a good destination for families with young children. Older children and teenagers might find the lack of other entertainments a bit limiting though.

As for me, this was the first time I had been away since last autumn. After many months of lockdown, I really appreciated the sea air and (mostly) sunshine, and of course the much-needed change of scene. I definitely plan to return there before too long.

As always, if you have any comments or questions about this post, please do leave them below.

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What is an IFISA and Why Might You Want One?

What Is An IFISA And Why Might You Want One?

If you’re reading this post you will almost certainly know what an ISA is.

The term stands for Individual Savings Account. ISAs effectively serve as tax-free wrappers for various types of savings account. The two best-known types are the Cash ISA and the Stocks and Shares ISA.

You get an annual allowance for your ISA investments which currently stands at a generous £20,000 a year. Money saved in an ISA is permanently exempt from taxes such as income tax, dividends tax, capital gains tax, and so on.

So What Is An IFISA?

IFISAs are a lesser-known type of ISA that can be used for peer-to-peer (P2P) lending. They were launched in April 2016. After a slow start, the range available has grown steadily.

You can put any amount into an IFISA up to your annual ISA allowance. In the current 2021/22 tax year, as mentioned, this is £20,000. This can be divided however you choose between a cash ISA, a stocks and shares ISA, a Lifetime ISA (if eligible – you have to be under 40) and an IFISA. So, for example, you could invest £6,000 in a cash ISA, £10,000 in a stocks and shares ISA and £4,000 in an IFISA.

  • Note that under current rules you are only allowed to invest new money in one of each type of ISA in a tax year. It is though generally possible to transfer money from one type of ISA to another without it affecting your annual entitlement (although there may be platform fees to pay).

IFISAs vary considerably in the returns they offer. Annual rates range from from around 4% to 15%. Obviously, the higher rates reflect the higher levels of risk involved.

Although all IFISAs involve P2P lending, a number of different types are available. They may include lending for all the following purposes:

  • property development
  • business loans
  • personal loans
  • green energy projects
  • bonds and debentures
  • entertainment industry loans
  • infrastructure projects

What Are The Risks?

All UK IFISA providers have to be authorized by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and HMRC. This doesn’t in itself protect lenders (or investors if you prefer) against the failure of a platform, however. While savers with UK banks and building societies are covered by the government’s Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), which guarantees to reimburse up to £85,000 of losses, this does not generally apply to IFISA platforms.

All IFISA providers do offer various safeguards, though. These vary, but include provision funds to cover potential losses, insurance policies, and so forth. In many cases loans are made against the security of property or other assets, which in the worst case could be sold to pay off any debts.

Even so, IFISA investors don’t enjoy the same level of protection in the UK as bank savers. This is, of course, a major reason why the returns on offer are significantly higher. It’s therefore important to be aware of the risks and ensure you are comfortable with them before investing this way. It’s also important to lend across a range of platforms and loans, and not make the mistake of putting all your savings eggs into one P2P lending basket.

What Are The Attractions?

So why might you want an IFISA? There are several reasons.

One is that they offer the potential of much higher rates of return that ordinary (bank) savings accounts. Even the best of these are currently paying interest rates of under 1 percent. IFISAs typically pay several times more than that (though obviously at somewhat greater risk).

Another big attraction of an IFISA is that it provides a way of gaining extra diversification for your portfolio. As mentioned earlier, the law currently only allows you to invest in one type of stocks and shares ISA per year. This rather perverse rule actually makes it harder to diversify your investments. But you can have an IFISA as well as a stocks and shares ISA, so long as you don’t exceed your total £20,000 allowance. So having an IFISA gives you a way of diversifying your investments while keeping them all protected within a tax-free ISA wrapper.

And finally, IFISA investments are typically not tied to the performance of stock markets in the way a stocks and shares ISA would be. This is a different type of investment, with different risks and rewards. While an IFISA won’t provide a way of hedging your equity investments directly, it is likely to be less directly affected by short-term fluctuations in the markets.

Two IFISA Examples

Two IFISAs of which I have direct experience are offered by Kuflink and Assetz Exchange. Both of these platforms offer tax-free IFISA options. They are both based around property investing.

Kuflinkwhich I reviewed in this post – offers an automatically diversified IFISA comprising loans on property. They quote interest rates from 5% to 7%, depending how long you invest for. Your money is automatically diversified across a range of secured loans. The screen capture below from the Kuflink website sets out the main features of their IFISA.

Kuflink IFISA

One point to be aware of is that there is no ‘self-select’ option with the Kuflink IFISA. So you have no choice about which projects your money is invested in. But, of course, it does make investing in a Kuflink IFISA very quick and simple.

Assetz Exchangewhich I reviewed in this post – has some similarities with Kuflink. But they concentrate on low-risk investments, typically with corporate clients (e.g. charities) on long leases. Here’s an example of the sort of investment I mean…

Assetz Exchange hostel 1

Assetz Exchange hostel 2

Assetz Exchange aims to offer net yields to investors of between 5.2 and 7.2% per year. One thing I especially like about them is that you can choose your own IFISA investments (indeed, they don’t currently offer an auto-select option). In addition, you can invest as little as 80 pence per project, making it easy to build a well-diversified portfolio even if you are only investing small amounts.

I am using Assetz Exchange for my 2021/22 IFISA, so here is a screen capture of my current portfolio for your interest. Note that while I have only invested £500 so far, I already have a well-diversified portfolio with 17 different investments!

Assetz Exchange IFISA

Summing Up

If you are looking for a home for some of your savings that can offer better interest rates than banks and building societies and won’t incur any tax charges, an IFISA is certainly worth considering.

As well as the higher interest rates, they can add diversity to your investments, helping you ride out peaks and troughs in the financial markets.

Just be aware of the risks involved in P2P lending, diversify as widely as possible, and ensure you invest only as part of a well-balanced portfolio.

As always, if you have any comments or questions about this blog post, please do leave them below.

Disclaimer: I am not a registered financial adviser and nothing in this post should be construed as personal financial advice. You should always do your own ‘due diligence’ before investing, and speak to a professional financial adviser/planner if in any doubt before proceeding. All investments carry a risk of loss.

This post (and others on Pounds and Sense) includes my referral links. If you click through and make a qualifying transaction, I may receive a commission for introducing you. This will not affect the products or services you receive or any fees you may be charged.

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Simply Tax review

Simply Tax: A Low-Cost Online Service for Anyone Having to Complete a Self-Assessment Tax Return

Regular readers of Pounds and Sense will know that I am not a fan of the DIY approach in matters related to tax.

In my blog post Two Places You Should Never Turn for Tax Advice Advice (and One You Definitely Should) I caution against relying on advice about tax from social media or even HMRC. And I strongly recommend getting help from a professional accountant if you are self-employed (even part-time) or run a business. As I said in that post:

Accountants are trained and experienced in all aspects of the tax system. They have both theoretical and practical knowledge of how the system works and how the (complex) rules are typically interpreted by HMRC. And they have to keep themselves up to date with the endless legal and procedural changes.

Also, unlike HMRC, an accountant is four-square on your side. They will advise you on the best way to organize your affairs to minimize your tax liability. They will answer any questions you may have, e.g. what records you need to keep. When the time comes, they will (if you want them to) compile your accounts and submit the relevant figures to HMRC in your tax return. And if any queries or problems arise, they will act on your behalf to try to resolve them.

A further benefit of having your accounts prepared by an accountant is that HMRC will know that a finance professional – someone who speaks their language – has compiled them. Other things being equal, this is likely to mean they will be more inclined to accept the figures and not dispute them.

Even if you aren’t self-employed or running a business, there may still be a strong case for getting an accountant to help with your taxes. Many older people, for example, have multiple streams of income, from stocks and shares to ISA accounts, property rentals to pensions. Some of this income may be taxable and some not, and varying tax rates and tax-free allowances may apply. Most accountants are more than happy to provide a service to people in this situation as well.

There is, of course, one drawback to engaging an accountant, and that is the cost. This will probably amount to a few hundred pounds a year (maybe more in some cases). Not to pay this, however, is in my view a false economy. A good accountant is likely to save you at least as much in unnecessary tax as they cost you. And the reassurance (and relief) of having a finance professional on your side when any queries with taxation arise is impossible to put a price on (but extremely valuable).

Of course, finding a good accountant who offers a service suitable for your needs isn’t always straightforward. And the amount they charge varies considerably. If you are looking for a keenly priced and easily accessible service, you might therefore like to check out what my friends at Simply Tax have to offer.

The Simply Tax Option

Simply Tax is a service run by professional accountants that provides a simple and inexpensive method for preparing and submitting tax returns to HMRC. They operate mainly online and are therefore able to keep charges to a bare minimum (starting from as little as £90). They say their service is for:

  • First time tax filers
  • Sole traders
  • CIS subcontractors
  • High earners (£100K+)
  • Landlords
  • Investors
  • Company directors
  • People living abroad
  • Anybody who needs a tax return

As the name indicates, Simply Tax aim to make the process of drawing up and submitting a tax return as simple as possible. In a nutshell, they say their procedure is as follows:

  • Create your free online account (just need your full name and email address)
  • Once verified, go into your user area and complete your personal information
  • Select the button to start your tax return (you’ll be taken to a screen to answer a few questions)
  • Once you’ve paid and been checked for your identification, simply drag and drop the information requested
  • We will do all the leg work and prepare the tax return for you
  • We’ll upload a draft tax return for you to review and approve electronically
  • Once you’ve approved, leave it to us to submit to HMRC

Although all of this is done online, you will be allocated a personal tax adviser whom you can contact at any time with any questions.

Simply Tax say their service will save you lots of time (they estimate between 70-80%) compared with filing your return yourself. They also estimate that their service is up to 50% cheaper than using a traditional high street accountant or tax advisor.

Finally, Simply Tax are fully regulated by the ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales), providing added reassurance.

If you are looking for a straightforward, cost-effective way of preparing and submitting your annual tax return, in my view Simply Tax is well worth checking out. Okay, if you run a multi-million pound business empire it may not be for you. But if you are like most of us and just need a friendly, professional accountancy service who won’t charge an arm and a leg, they could certainly fit the bill.

As always, if you have any comments or questions about this post, please do leave them below.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post on behalf of Simply Tax. If you click through any of the links and make a purchase, I will receive a commission for introducing you. This will not affect the fee you pay or the service you receive.

Simply Tax banner

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